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Event Permits

Apply for race, parade, film and block party permits.

Race, Walk and Bike Permits | Parade Permits | Film and Video Permits | Block Party Authorizations

Events in the right-of-way — such as races, parades, filming and block parties — need permits. Permit requirements helps make sure events are safe and don’t conflict with others using the road.

An event permit will allow you to do an activity within the right-of-way. It won’t allow you to make permanent changes within the right-of-way without a Right-of-Way Permit.

Permit applications are available through the Public Permitting and Services Portal. First-time users will need to register for an account. Watch the “How to Register” video(Link is external). Once registered, you can apply for permits and authorizations, track their status, view results and search for information.

If you have questions about events on private property like concerts, weddings or festivals, email Code Compliance or call 503-846-4875(Link opens phone app).

Please allow four weeks processing time for event permit applications.

Race, Walk and Bike Permits

It takes us about four weeks to process race, walk and bike permits.

Application submittal requirements:

  1. Review the Permit instructions/submittal checklist(Link downloads document)
  2. Complete the application through the Public Permitting and Services Portal
  3. Pay the non-refundable application and permit fee
  4. Sign and return the Washington County, Oregon Indemnity Agreement & Waiver of Liability(Link downloads document)
  5. Submit traffic control and parking plans, if needed


Parade Permits

It takes us about four weeks to process parade permits.

Application submittal requirements:

  1. Review the permit instructions/submittal checklist(Link downloads document)
  2. Complete the application through the Public Permitting and Services Portal
  3. Sign and return the Washington County, Oregon Indemnity Agreement & Waiver of Liability(Link downloads document)

Film and Video Permits

It takes us around four weeks to process film and video permits. We will allow applications two weeks in advance if your production timeline is shorter. The process is the same and there is no guarantee of approval.

Application submittal requirements:

  1. Completed Film and Video Application via the Public Permitting and Services Portal
  2. Pay the non-refundable application and permit fee
  3. Submit a Certificate of Liability Insurance
  4. Sign and return the Washington County, Oregon Indemnity Agreement & Waiver of Liability(Link downloads document)
  5. Submit a traffic control and parking plans, if needed

Block Party Authorizations

It takes us around four weeks to process block party authorizations. We allow them on cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets. We approve block parties on other neighborhood streets on a case-by-case basis. The residents of every home on the street must support the party.

Application submittal requirements:

  1. A completed Block Party Authorization Application via the Public Permitting and Services Portal.
  2. Complete and upload the Authorization Application(Link downloads document) as an attachment to the online application.
  3. Submit a completed Block Party Street Closure Petition form(Link downloads document). It needs to be signed by a representative of each home on the street to be closed.
  4. Submit a map showing the street that would be closed and the houses facing it.

Other requirements:

  • Limit block parties to daytime hours.
  • Comply with all county and city ordinances.
  • Close off the street with materials that mark the closed-to-vehicles area. Don’t use vehicles to close off the street.
  • Always maintain emergency vehicle access.
  • The day of the block party, call Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue non-emergency dispatch at 503-629-0111(Link opens phone app) to notify them.
  • Clean up shortly after the block party ends.
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