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Visit Washington County Greening the Code virtual open house through June 27

Find out about the county's efforts to identify and remove barriers to sustainable, green development. Watch short informational videos, read our research report, and provide your input.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation, Planning and Development Services Division

Washington County’s Department of Land Use and Transportation invites the public to visit our online Greening the Code Virtual Open House. Greening the Code is our effort to identify common barriers to energy efficient and sustainable development in unincorporated Washington County. We are also developing recommended strategies to address those barriers. Reducing these barriers may benefit our residents and the region by saving money, conserving energy and resources, and reducing the environmental impacts of development.

“Our intent is to facilitate innovative green design” said Andrew Singelakis, Director of Land Use and Transportation.

At the Greening the Code virtual open house (, visitors will find several short informational videos, a summary of our research findings, and a brief opinion survey/questionnaire. Please take a few moments to visit the site and share any feedback you have via the online questionnaire by June 27.

We hope to hear from you soon!

Greening the Code is supported by an Energy Efficiency Community Block Grant from the US Department of Energy.

Media Contact:

Nadine Smith Cook, Principal Planner
(503) 846-8761
[email protected]