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McDonald named Building Official of the Year

Hank McDonald, Washington County Department of Land Use & Transportation (LUT) was named Building Official of the Year by the Oregon Building Official Association (OBOA)
Media release

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation, Planning and Development Services Division

(Front, L to R) Comm. Bob Terry, District 4; Eric Schmidt, OBOA President; Hand McDonald, LUT Building Official; Andrew Singelakis, LUT Director; and Comm. Roy Rogers, District 3. (Back, L to R) Comm. Dick Schouten, District 1; Chair Andy Duyck; and Vice Chair Greg Malinowski, District 2.

Hank McDonald, Building Official, Washington County Department of Land Use & Transportation (LUT), has been named 2017 Building Official of the Year by the Oregon Building Officials Association (OBOA).

McDonald, who has been the LUT Building Official since 2014, received the award at the OBOA Annual Business meeting in July. During its regular meeting on Sept. 19, the Washington County Board of Commissioners (BOC) also recognized McDonald for the award.

"Because of his service to the industry, his passion, commitment and subject matter expertise over many years, the Washington County BOC is proud to join OBOA in recognizing Hank McDonald as the 2017 Building Official of the Year," said Andy Duyck, BOC Chair.

"(Hank) has served this industry with passion, commitment and subject matter expertise over many years," said Eric Schmidt, OBOA president. "I have seen him work in several jurisdictions, culminating where he is at now in a role that fits him well. He is well respected by his colleagues across the state and region, including our partners at the State Building Codes Division."

The OBOA Building Official of the Year award is presented annually to building officials who have distinguished themselves in service to OBOA and/or the building profession.

Washington County is committed to planning, building and maintaining a great transportation system, ensuring the safety of all roadway users, and operating the County roadway system in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner.

Media Contact:

Melissa De Lyser, Communications Manager
[email protected]