The MSTIP 3f funding allocation includes street projects both inside cities (incorporated areas) and outside cities (unincorporated areas) in Washington County. Both the County and cities proposed the projects.
The Board of Commissioners approved the $250 million funding allocation on June 4, 2024. The allocation is made up of five categories: Capital Projects (complete streets), Opportunity Fund, Large Project Match, Rural Bridges and Intelligent Transportation Systems.
Capital Projects: $195 million
- Commissioner District 1: $47.4 million
- Alexander Street (178th to 192nd avenues): Complete street project with sidewalks and bicycle facilities to support the Aloha Town Center streetscape design implementation.
- 205th Avenue bridge at Beaverton Creek: Replace functionally obsolete bridge. Add streetlights, bike lanes and sidewalks on 205th Avenue from Baseline Street to Quatama Road. (Assumes $12 million in Transportation Development Tax funding).
- Beaverton Downtown Loop Phase 1 - Watson Avenue (Millikan Way to First Street): Complete street project with wider sidewalks and new bike lanes, bus stops and intersection improvements.
- Commissioner District 2:$47.5 million
- SW Walker Road (Park Way to 123rd Avenue): Complete street project with sidewalks, bicycle facilities and turn lanes as needed. Includes Walker Road/Cedar Hills Boulevard intersection improvements.
- SW Walker Road (123rd Avenue to Hwy 217): Complete street project with sidewalks, bicycle facilities and turn lanes as needed.
- Commissioner District 3: $51.0 million
- Edy Road (Borchers Driver to Cooper Terrace): Complete street project with sidewalks, bicycle facilities and landscaping. Includes feasibility and design study for potential realignment of the Edy Road/Elwert Road intersection.
- Greenburg Road (Hall Boulevard to Hwy 217): Complete street project with wide sidewalks and bicycle facilities, up to three pedestrian crossings with signals, reconstruction of the Locust Street crossing; designed as part of the Tigard Washington Square Regional Center Update Project.
- Herman Road (124th Avenue to Cipole Road): Includes Herman Road/Cipole Road intersection improvements. Complete street improvement with sidewalks, bicycle facilities, center turn lane and landscaping.
- Commissioner District 4: $49.1 million
- OR 47 at Fern Hill Road/Maple Street intersection: Improvements to existing unsignalized intersection; coordination between Washington County, city of Forest Grove and Oregon Department of Transportation.
- Glencoe Road/West Union Road intersection: Improvements to existing intersection (roundabout assumed) to support downtown and new urbanizing areas. Connects to new West Union pedestrian path.
- 19th Avenue (Baseline Street to Council Creek): Complete street project with sidewalks, bicycle facilities and a potential mini-roundabout at Holladay Street.
- Cornell Road/Brookwood Parkway intersection: Capacity improvements both the Cornell Road/Brookwood Parkway and Cornell Road/48th Avenue intersections. Potential realignment of Cornell Road from 34th Avenue to Brookwood Parkway based on federal airport standards (assumes Federal Aviation Administration funding).
- Wren Road/Susbauer Road intersection: Improvements to intersection (roundabout assumed).
Opportunity Fund: $13 million
The Opportunity Fund is used to leverage federal, state, regional and other funding opportunities by providing local matching contributions for competitive grant opportunities. To date, the Opportunity Fund has leveraged almost $63 million in external funding, using $12.5 million in MSTIP funds—more than $5 from regional, state or federal sources for every $1 in MSTIP funds. Learn more about the MSTIP Opportunity Fund
Large Project Match: $30 million
This new allocation provides a flexible central matching fund source for large federal or state grant opportunities (versus setting aside match funds for one or two specific projects). Eligible projects submitted by cities and the County as part of the 3f Funding Allocation process:
- 170th Avenue project (Commissioner District 2)
- 185th Avenue MAX Light Rail Overcrossing project (Commissioner Districts 1, 2 and 4)
- Basalt Creek Parkway Extension project (Commissioner District 3)
- Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy/Oleson Road/Scholls Ferry Road intersection design and alternatives analysis (Commissioner Districts 1 and 2)
- Farmington Road project (Commissioner District 1)
Rural bridges: $10 million
Replacing aging timber bridges in rural Washington County is a critical safety and connectivity part of our road maintenance program. Rural bridges like these are not generally competitive for MSTIP-funded improvements.
Rural bridge projects funded through previous funding allocations for rural bridges include:
- Scotch Church Road Bridge Replacement (MSTIP 3e)
- B Street Bridge Replacement (MSTIP 3e)
Intelligent Transportation Systems: $2 million

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects use technology to improve our transportation efficiency, mobility and safety. ITS make it safer and easier for people to drive, cycle, walk and roll.
This allocation allows us to continue implementation of our ITS Plan. We typically use it to leverage funding to supplement other funding or projects. See Intelligent Transportation Systems
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Community and Transportation Planning