Comment on proposed road maintenance activities
See what road maintenance activities we are proposing for the upcoming fiscal year and leave comment! Check out the draft Road Maintenance Program(Link is external) and email us your feedback through April 20.
The Road Maintenance Program outlines our road maintenance activities. The Program’s focus is preventative maintenance, which extends the lives of infrastructure assets and saves tax dollars.
Over time, it is less expensive to maintain an asset than reconstruct it when it fails.
The Washington County Board of Commissioners guides development of the Road Maintenance Program through the Road Maintenance Priority Matrix, which is included within the adopted in the Transportation System Plan. Roads in the major roadway system get the most use and are the highest priority for maintenance funding.
Two community advisory committees work with us on road maintenance issues: the Rural Roads Operations and Maintenance Advisory Committee and the Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee.

Current Road Maintenance Program
2024-25 Road Maintenance Program(Link is external) (6/18/2024)