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JCPAC Drug Court

The Keys to Success Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program (KTS) provides intensive probation supervision and support for young people and their families.

Youth in the program are ages 14-17 and have the following:

  • Pending legal matters
  • Medium to high risk for continued delinquency
  • Have moderate to severe substance use disorders

Federal restrictions remove eligibility from the program for youth with past or present violent or weapons felonies adjudications.

To successfully complete the program, youth must:

  • Demonstrate sobriety
  • Complete recommended treatment
  • Abstain from illegal behavior
  • Show improvements in other areas of their lives (e.g., family relationships, educational connections, etc.)

The KTS program uses the Juvenile Drug Treatment Court (JDTC) model in supporting youth to make changes. The program consists of:

  • Frequent drug testing
  • Coordinated and individualized treatment
  • Regular judicial check ins
  • Application of swift responses, both incentives and sanctions

The KTS program seeks to offer equitable access and support to all eligible youth.

KTS team is a multidisciplinary team with partners from:

  • Oregon Judicial Department
  • Washington County District Attorney’s Office
  • Metropolitan Public Defender
  • Washington County Juvenile Department
  • Washington County Health and Human Services
  • Mental Health and Addiction Association of Oregon
  • Latino Network
  • Community treatment providers

The JCPAC serves as a steering committee to the KTS Program.  The JCPAC members receive regular updates on progress or challenges and offers guidance to support program improvement and increased fidelity to the JDTC model.