Our Guiding Principles
Our programs and services are designed to provide fair, equitable and impartial treatment that involves families in decision making. We collaborate with schools, local law enforcement agencies and other community partners to help youth develop the tools and skills they need to be successful. Our work with youth and families includes assessments and individual case plans that address their risk, needs and behaviors.
The Juvenile Department also works to honor victims' rights and interests throughout all phases of the justice system and provide opportunities for youth to repair harm to victims and communities. We strive to honor diversity, provide innovative leadership in the field of juvenile justice, and demonstrate ethical and honest behavior in all that we do.
Our Values
- INTEGRITY - the consistent adherence to our professional and ethical standards with responsible stewardship of public resources.
- EXCELLENCE - the commitment to providing the highest quality of services to youth, families, and the community. It is the embodiment of professionalism through high standards, compassion, and staff development.
- TEAMWORK - thoughtful communication, collaboration, and coordination in pursuit of common goals with respect for differences while valuing all contributions.
We receive all police reports on youth violations and law enforcement charges. Please review the Juvenile Court Process page for more information and what to expect.
Payment Options
Our services are provided at no charge, but some youth may have court-ordered restitution that they are required to pay. We accept cash, check, money order and credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover) payments. For more information or to pay by phone, please call 503-846-8861(Link opens phone app).
The reception desk is closed for lunch, 11:45-12:45. Please contact your assigned Juvenile Counselor for court dates and times.
- Click on County Courts below to contact Court Clerks

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County Courts

Juvenile Location & Hours
Hillsboro, Oregon 97124