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Harm Reduction

Working to protect the community and promote public safety by reducing the spread of infections like HIV and hepatitis C

Harm reduction programs aim to protect the community and promote public safety by reducing potential harms from injection drug use such as the spread of infections like HIV and hepatitis C, syringe litter in communities, and overdose deaths. These programs accomplish this by providing sterile syringes and other injection supplies, testing, overdose prevention education and response medications, and referrals to detox and substance use treatment services.

Syringe disposal at exchange sites is intended for syringe exchange clients. To protect their privacy, the public should not bring used syringes or any other medical waste to exchange sites. Instead, please see the Washington County Solid Waste and Recycling Program for more information on those syringe disposal options. To dispose of unwanted medications, see the drug take back program, Oregon MED-Project(Link is external).

Services offered (must be at least 18 for needle exchange)

Where to go

  • Mondays, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m.
    Beaverton Clinic
    12550 SW 2nd St, Beaverton
    Enter on SW Washington Ave
  • Wednesdays
    Project Homeless Connect, 11 a.m.-1 p.m.
    363 SE 6th Ave, Hillsboro
    Hillsboro Bridge Shelter, 2:30-4:30 p.m.
    622 SE 10th Ave, Hillsboro
HIV Alliance logo

HIV Alliance(Link is external) is our partner in bringing these services to places near you. HIV Alliance has a variety of programs like HIV care coordination, hepatitis C case management, and much more. All of these services may not be offered in Washington County but they are offered in others. Make sure to check their website for details or call 541-342-5088(Link opens phone app)

If you need HIV care coordination within Washington County, check our other partner organizations.

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