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Annual Performance Report

HUD requires an annual report on the accomplishments of the jurisdiction which details how the federal funds were utilized. The report is entitled Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report.

Washington County, City of Beaverton and City of Hillsboro

The Consolidated Plan is a strategic planning document, resulting from 18 months of planning and public participation, which sets local strategies and priorities for allocating the federal funding over the five-year timeframe. It acts as a combined plan and application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for federal funds available to counties and cities under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) formula programs.

Washington County, the City of Beaverton and the City of Hillsboro each receive an annual CDBG entitlement grant. In addition, Washington County annually receives HOME and ESG program funds on behalf of the entire county.

Consolidated annual performance and evaluation reports (CAPERs) are annual components of the Consolidated Plan that specifically details project accomplishments as well as expenditures over a one-year period for activities serving low- and moderate-income persons, the homeless, and persons with special needs.

Prior year reports:

Washington County & City of Beaverton & City of Hillsboro Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Reports

2023 Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report City of Hillsboro