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Victim Services

Services for victims of crimes and contact information for services.

Below is information for victims, and for people contacted by the Washington County Jail “Vine” system that an inmate was moved to the Washington County Community Corrections Center (WCCCC):

  • New residents at the WCCCC have a “blackout” period of 7 to 14 days. They cannot leave the Center during blackout unless a counselor or supervisor approves for them to leave for a court appointment, medical appointment, or a verified (checked by a counselor) job.

  • During blackout, all new residents will be “staffed in” by (meet with) a Residential Counselor at the Center.

  • Residents must follow “no contact” rules, which include: no phone, no visits, and no third person contact between residents and their no contacts (another person cannot pass messages between you and a no contact person).

  • Counselors may call victims to get correct phone and address updates, and to answer any worries or concerns that victims and no contact might have about the resident’s move to the WCCCC.

  • If you are the victim of a resident who is staying at the WCCCC and they try to contact you, please call the WCCCC phone at (503)846-4300 and tell staff. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. For situations that are not emergencies, you can report residents who break restraining orders and call no contacts in Washington County at (503) 629-0111. For more information about restraining orders, please use the contact information below.

Restraining Order Assistance

Community Corrections / Victims’ Services

180 E. Main St #200

(503) 640-5352

Restraining Order Recording

Courts-File Room; Rm 110J, JSB

(503) 846-8888

Restraining Orders Requests

Courts-Family Law; Rm 430J, JSB

(503) 846-8888