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Population Served

The types of populations served through the Center or Custodial Home Supervision (CHS).

We serve the following groups of people in the Center and/or through Custodial Home Supervision:

Sentenced: Justice involved individuals who are sentenced by the court to the Center or Custodial Home Supervision, or serve time on the rest of a sentence that started at the Jail. About 60% of the beds at the Center are for people in this group.

Sanctioned: Justice involved individuals who are serving short-term sanctions for probation and post-prison supervision. We help to give probation and parole officers a quick response to people who do not follow the rules of their supervision, in a setting that has programs to help with problem behaviors. About 5% of the beds at the Center are for people in this group.

Local Control (SB1145): We focus on substance abuse and cognitive programming (changing the way you think) with planning for after release for justice involved individuals with:

  • A newly sentenced felony serving sentences of twelve months or less
  • A revoked felony probation serving sentences of twelve months or less
  • A parole and post-prison supervision sanction of 31 to 90 days
  • Post-prison supervision revoked up to 180 days

About 26% the beds at the Center are for people in this group.

Transitional Lodgers: Justice involved individuals who have finished serving time, but are still looking for housing other than the Center. They must agree to follow supervision conditions and Center rules to stay in this program. They must work, or be looking for work, while they look for housing. We offer programs to Transitional Lodgers to help them with treatment needs or conditions for supervision. About 6% of the beds at the Center are for people in this group.