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What We Audit and How To Submit Ideas

The County Auditor creates an annual work plan of topics.

The Auditor's Office advises the County management about ways to make government work better.

The County Auditor develops an annual work plan of audits (commonly called the Audit Schedule) to be started during the year. Topics are based on input from members of the public, County and community leaders, and other stakeholders. The County Auditor may substitute or added new topics if a higher priority issue emerges during the year

Audit projects are considered based on a variety of factors, such as potential for:

  • Significant cost impacts.
  • Improvement in operational practices and public policies.
  • Increased efficiency, effectiveness, performance, and equity of public services.
  • Enhanced accountability systems and transparency of county operations.

Do you have ideas for how Washington County can better serve you and your community?

Please visit our feedback form to submit your ideas!