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About Solid Waste & Recycling

Washington County Solid Waste & Recycling helps community members, property managers and businesses sustainably manage materials to prevent waste, recycle and dispose of garbage properly.

Solid Waste & Recycling, a division of the Washington County Department of Health and Human Services helps community members, property managers and businesses sustainably manage materials to prevent waste, recycle and dispose of garbage properly. We regulate how garbage and recycling is collected, transported, stored and disposed. Code enforcement responds to complaints of potential nuisance, noise, and garbage and recycling service issues in unincorporated Washington County. Contact us at 503-846-3605(Link opens phone app) or

We offer waste prevention and recycling information and resources to community members and businesses in all of the cities in Washington County, except the City of Beaverton(Link is external), which operates its own program. Technical support and education are provided under agreements with Metro and 10 participating Washington County cities. Get to know us better by reading our current annual report.

2021 SWR Annual Report

Contact your city

If you live inside the limits of a city, contact your city's office for its solid waste collection rates and rules, or to let them know about an issue with illegal dumping or your service provider.

Help improve recycling in Washington County

Making the community better through waste reduction can be habit forming. If you'd like to play a more active role, we have a few options for you.

Master Recycler Program

Master Recycler volunteers are the backbone of our regional recycling education program. You can become a Master Recycler volunteer by taking an eight-week, 40-hour course that provides you with the latest information on waste prevention and recycling. Following completion of the course, you will get to take what you learned and spend 30 volunteer hours educating your neighbors, co-workers and community. Courses are held every fall in Washington County. Visit is external) for more information.

Become a recycling volunteer

You don't have to be a Master Recycler to help Washington County community members improve their waste reduction habits. Fill out our volunteer interest form(Link is external) or contact us at 503-846-3605(Link opens phone app) or to learn how you can contribute.

Garbage and Recycling Advisory Committee (GRAC)

Our 10-member advisory committee works closely with the Washington County Board of Commissioners on regulation of our solid waste and recycling system. Contact us at 503-846-3605(Link opens phone app) or to learn more. Review meeting minutes and agendas.

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