Public invited March 19 to provide input on Hazardous Materials Plan
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No. Residents must get approved passes from their counselors before they leave the WCCCC. Most residents will be eligible for (able to get) passes after their initial 14-day blackout period.
See Residents Page
Yes. Residents are allowed to smoke during the time staff gives for outdoor courtyard breaks. Residents are only allowed store-bought cigarettes. Residents cannot use loose tobacco, pipes, or cigars. Because of current Oregon law, residents under the age of 21 may not get cigarettes in a property drop.
See also
Yes, but all rides will need to be approved by the resident's counselor before you give the rides.
See also
The WCCCC does not have any "books" or accounts for residents. The only thing that residents can use money for is to add money to their Intelmate phone account. Other than Intelmate, there is nothing else that residents can buy in the center.
Staff will not take money drop-offs. You can only give money in cash to residents during your visitations with them, and you can only give them up to $40.00. Any money more than $40.00 must be in the form of checks, money orders, or cashier checks.
See also
Residents page
Residents have a phone in their dorms. They can make phone calls between 9:00AM and 10:00PM. The phone system lets them have prepaid phone accounts, and make collect phone calls. Family and friends can give money to this phone system through the internet, the phone, or the kiosk in the Visitors Room at the WCCCC. Please visit resident's phone system page for more information.
See also
Intelmate phone system