You may pay your ticket by mailing a check or money order and a copy of the citation to: The Washington County Justice Court, 3700 SW Murray Blvd., Room 2400, Beaverton, Oregon, 97005. OR you may call the court between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday and pay by phone using your Visa, Mastercard or Discover card.
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Get ideas for quick and simple preparedness activities to do when you’re at the grocery store, at the dinner table, or while doing chores.
Take 5 to Survive
Additional Needs
Some of us will have unique challenges and "additional needs" during an emergency. If you have additional needs, it’s a good idea to do some extra planning.
Non-county resource
Take 5 to Survive
Additional Web Resources
Explore additional preparedness topics ranging from financial preparedness to livestock preparedness.
Take 5 to Survive
Can I pay for my ticket without having to appear?
Frequently Asked Question
Justice Court
Contact the Court
This page describes how to contact the Court. Find a map and directions, as well as contact information here.
Justice Court
Continuum of Care Grant Application
Learn about grant opportunities, programs, and events serving the homeless and persons at risk of homelessness.
Continuum of Care System Performance
View HUD System Performance Measurements and Reports related to the reduction of homelessness.
Day Centers & Homeless Resources
Information about day centers and other resources for people experiencing homelessness.
Disaster Preparedness for Families
Are you and your family ready for a disaster? Ask yourself: What hazards can affect my home, workplace, or school?
Take 5 to Survive
Disaster Sanitation
Have you ever thought about where you’ll "go" when there is nowhere to "go"? After a major earthquake, we may need to live without running water and working toilets for weeks or months.
Take 5 to Survive
Do you offer traffic school to keep the violation off of my driving record?
Traffic safety school is offered to youth and adults with no prior traffic convictions, who have not already participated in a traffic diversion program. You must also meet eligibility requirements set forth by the Court as determined at your Court appearance.
Frequently Asked Question
Justice Court
Earthquake Preparedness
Since 2010, four local earthquakes have shaken Washington County. In 1700, the entire Pacific Northwest felt a major earthquake from the Cascadia Subduction Zone, a 600-mile-long fault that runs parallel to the Oregon and Washington coastlines.
Take 5 to Survive
We don't experience earthquakes as often as California. But we do have them, and we're expecting a big one. The good news is, earthquakes are one of the most survivable major disasters. Learn how to be ready when the shaking starts.
Non-county resource
Take 5 to Survive
Emergency Supplies
An emergency can happen at any time. Being ready means having emergency supplies on hand. These supplies should meet the needs of everyone at home, including pets.
Take 5 to Survive
Emergency Water
Storing water for emergencies is one of the most important things you can do. Most people can survive for several days or weeks without food but only a few days without water.
Take 5 to Survive
Extreme Heat
Our region lost over 100 community members to extreme heat in 2021. Many more suffered serious health impacts. High heat will continue to affect us as the earth warms, but heat illness and death are preventable.
Non-county resource
Take 5 to Survive
Extreme Temperatures in Summer and Winter
Summers are getting hotter in the Portland metro area. The average number of days over 90 degrees has gone up—from 11 days a year in the past to our new normal of 22 days a year.
Take 5 to Survive
FAQ - Justice Court
Answers to frequently asked questions regarding traffic violations and court procedures
Justice Court
Gather Supplies
Get some supplies together now so you and your loved ones are ready during an emergency. You might already have most of what you need. Sometimes it's just a matter of putting everything in one place so you can access it quickly.
Non-county resource
Take 5 to Survive
Get Connected
During a disaster, use voice phone calls for emergency purposes only, such as calling 911 for help. Text for everything else.
Take 5 to Survive