Additional winter shelter opens at Wingspan
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Yes. Although dads and grandparents cannot get benefits for themselves, they can get benefits for their children and grandchildren.
Yes. We do not ask for proof of citizenship, and WIC keeps your information private. WIC is not a Public Charge program.
Yes! WIC will give you special vouchers that you can use at local farmers markets.
Yes. Foster children can get WIC until the age of five.
While this is a common concern from property owners, the Portland State University Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative published a Village Research and How-To Guide examining property value changes in Portland in four different neighborhoods where an alternative pod style shelter was sited. They found, “In three of the four neighborhoods that are adjacent to residential homes there were no significant changes in property values. The fourth neighborhood did indicate that property values of the nearby residential properties to one of the villages did drop slightly in relation to the opening of the village. However, there are several other factors that could explain those changes.”
No. WIC does not provide medical care. However, WIC can connect you to health care services. You can also call the Washington County Health Care Resource Line at 503-846-8851.
Parking is provided on-site for shelter staff and guests to mitigate parking impacts on the surrounding neighborhood.
The Washington County Shelter system prioritizes serving people who have experienced prolonged homelessness, are 55 and older, and/or are currently unsheltered (sleeping outside or in a vehicle). A shelter referral is completed either by one of our Homeless Services providers or individuals may contact Community Connect at 503-640-3263 and request the referral.
Because of the lack of affordable housing and shelter options in Washington County, there are many people already entered into the Community Connect system waiting for shelter placements to help them get back on their feet. These individuals will be prioritized for shelter entry.
You can call or email to make an appointment. You can also sign up online here.
Before programming begins at any of our shelter locations, including pod villages, a robust community engagement process is completed including:
Community engagement opportunities will be posted on our Shelter Neighborhood Plans page and interested community members are also welcome to email us at [email protected].
During an appointment with your doctor, nurse, or nutritionist, you will discuss your health and diet. They can let you know if you are at nutritional risk.