- Assets are assessed based on the RMV (Real Market Value) of the asset at the time of assessment (January 1st of the tax year). The RMV is based on the original cost of the asset and the depreciable life of the asset. The county uses a Valuation Guideline, published by the Oregon Department of Revenue, to determine the RMV at the time of assessment.
- Taxes are calculated using the total RMV multiplied by a percentage based on the tax code area in which the business resides. These percentages can differ by regions within Washington County based on many factors -- local bond measures, school districts, fire and police protection districts, etc. Click HERE for more information
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Assessor Approval for Plats and Tax Lot Boundary Changes
Under Oregon law assessors approve all plats (subdivision, partition or condominium) or changes in tax lot lines.
Behavioral Health Resource Network (BHRN)
Free substance use treatment and resources are available to anyone who resides in Washington County.
Addiction Services
Business Ownership Changes
If you’ve bought, sold, or closed a business in Washington County, follow these simple steps.
Business Personal Property Assessment
Cooperative CORS Data - Base Station - JIME
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Continuously Operating Reference Stations Network provide Global Navigation Satellite System data, supporting 3-D positioning, meteorology, space weather and geophysical applications.
Cooperative CORS Data - Base Station Data Files
Cooperative CORS Data - Base Station; LUT app
County resource
County-Funded Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
If substance use has become a problem and you are ready for help, we are here to support you. Find out if you qualify for County-funded treatment for substance use disorders.
Addiction Services
El Programa de Desvío del Condado de Washington
Las personas elegibles que son citadas o arrestadas por posesión de una sustancia controlada pueden evitar el enjuiciamiento al participar con éxito en un tratamiento por uso de sustancias.
Addiction Services
Filing Tax Return by Mail or In-Person
You are welcome to mail or drop off your signed return and updated asset list.
Business Personal Property Assessment
Filing Tax Return for the First Time
Welcome to Washington County, we’re glad you are part of our community. Find information below to file your return for the first time.
Business Personal Property Assessment
Filing Tax Return Using Smartfile
Smartfile is for filers who have 700 or fewer assets and have received a confidential PIN from the County.
Business Personal Property Assessment
Filing Tax Return Using Webfile
WebFile provides an easy way to file your returns by uploading your signed return pdf and updated asset list in Excel.
Business Personal Property Assessment
Forms, Publications and Other Resources
Helpful resources for your reference.
Business Personal Property Assessment
How are Business Personal Property assets assessed and tax amounts calculated?
Frequently Asked Question
Business Personal Property Assessment
I’ve sold/closed my business – what now?
Click HERE for more information.
Frequently Asked Question
Business Personal Property Assessment
Monument Boxes
Monument boxes are required for all public centerline monuments.
Opioids and Overdose Prevention
Learn signs of overdose, how naloxone works, how to get help, find recommended publications, access data sources, and get additional resources.
Addiction Services
Partition Plat Checking Calculator
Calculator to estimate partition plat checking costs.
County resource