What information needs to be shown on my plans?
Foundation plan, floor plans, at least two complete cross sections in opposing directions, roof plan, scope of work, framing plan, four elevation views and energy compliance forms.
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Foundation plan, floor plans, at least two complete cross sections in opposing directions, roof plan, scope of work, framing plan, four elevation views and energy compliance forms.
On August 29, 2022, Federal District Court Judge Michael Mosman issued a ruling that limits the amount of time that aid and assist defendants can stay at the Oregon State Hospital (OSH). The ruling was meant to help the OSH comply with a previous court order that requires them to admit aid and assist defendants within seven days. The maximum amount of time these defendants can now stay at the state hospital are:
This puts a big strain on our criminal justice and behavioral health systems here in Washington County and can pose a risk to community safety. The new timelines do not consider whether the defendant can actually participate in their own defense. This means that patients who must return to their local jurisdiction before treatment is complete are not able to stabilize and receive care in an appropriate environment.
Unlike design professionals who submit the plans, plan reviewers are only concerned with compliance requirements of the codes. Their job is to ensure that submitted plans meet the state's adopted minimum code standards.
The County has a system of mental health care within the community that can provide “restoration services” to most returning aid and assist defendants. However, there are other individuals who may be a serious threat to public safety and need a secure environment to complete restoration that doesn’t currently exist outside of the Oregon State Hospital.
If it is habitable, it needs a permit.
Work Exempt from Permit:
Non-habitable one-story detached accessory structures, provided that the floor area does not exceed 200 square feet (18.58 m2) and does not exceed a height of 15 feet (4572 mm) measured from grade plane to the average height of the highest roof surface.
Exception: Where the structure is located on a parcel of 2 acres or greater in area, and the structure is located a minimum of 20 feet (6096 mm) from all property lines and regulated structures, the floor area may be increased to 400 square feet (37.16 m2)
NOTE: The 15-foot-height limit is to the average height of the highest roof surface, which is typically the distance half-way between the top of the wall and the peak of the roof.
Permits are required for:
Replacement of water heaters and underground piping; altering piping inside a wall or ceiling, or beneath a floor; and for plumbing in all new installations.
Emergency repair, alteration or replacement of freeze-damaged or leaking concealed piping, if new piping exceeds 5 feet.
Remodel or additions to one-or-two family dwelling when existing plumbing is to be relocated, including building sewers, water service and exterior drains.
It's not required when you do "ordinary minor repairs" to plumbing systems on your own property, which means repair, replacement or maintenance of existing accessible fixtures, parts, and appliances and their related water and drain attachments. Do not alter the complete existing plumbing system without a permit.
The fee increases will provide critical funding to provide adequate staffing to help ensure target service levels are sustained. Workload and staffing levels change frequently. Review and response times will continue to fluctuate with changes in incoming work and staffing levels.
We are also updating our processes to improve efficiencies and customer service. This includes:
Implementing concurrent review options for residential building permits to improve review timelines.
Streamlining during permit intake and file check (final step prior to permit issuance) processes.
Increasing staff members’ ability to adapt to workload needs. This may include additional cross-training so employees can move from one work area to another based on customer demand.
Example: Possible software upgrades to allow applicants to directly submit permits online.
We continue to evaluate other processes, technologies, workflows and staffing models.