Washington County Auditor Kristine Adams-Wannberg issued her audit on the County’s five financial policies. The Auditor compared the five policies to best practices from the Government Finance Officers Association. One of the County policies compares well, and the remainder need improvement. There are also several financial areas where no County policies exist.
Adams-Wannberg said, “Washington County government has changed as the population has grown. Our government’s programs and services are more complex, as are the finances that support them. The County’s financial policies needs to evolve with a strategic, long-term approach to meet those changing needs.”
The report also highlighted improvements need to document how the General Fund’s fund balance is calculated and to develop a policy over access to the Budget Office’s software.
The County’s Chief Financial Officer requested this review from the County Auditor.
Name | Title | Phone | |
Kristine Adams-Wannberg
County Auditor