Medical Examiner seeks help identifying a man found deceased April 20 in Beaverton
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An independent consultant assessed both work groups’ budgets, staffing and workflows. Several service-level scenarios prepared by the consultant were reviewed. To achieve customer service/turn-around times desired by both customers and staff, additional staffing is required. Existing low staffing levels are not sustainable for either employees or our customers, who are sometimes having to deal with unacceptable turnaround times.
Key recommendations from this assessment included:
A 50% fee increase to:
Provide the minimum staffing needed to meet desired service levels.
Close the gap between costs and revenue
Annual fee adjustments to address ongoing program cost increases beginning July 1, 2024.
A technology fee on permits/applications to fund technology systems operations and updates beginning July 1, 2024.
Not if there are three units or less.
Yes. We regularly meet with other Building Officials to make sure all jurisdictions interpret codes and regulations consistently.
No. Oregon code does not have a code allowing this. Gray water must be treated either through a public system or a health department-approved septic system.
Yes. As the owner of a one-or-two family dwelling, you can either hire a licensed plumbing contractor or do the plumbing work yourself. A friend, neighbor, tenant, general contractor or other person cannot legally do the plumbing work unless he or she is a licensed plumber working on behalf of a licensed plumbing contractor.
All materials (pipe, pipe fittings, fixtures and other devices used in plumbing systems) must be listed and approved for their specific uses. This is especially important when installing materials that come into contact with drinking water.
If you hire a plumbing contractor, ask for his or her business registration and license number of any journeyman plumber performing work. Plumbing contractors must also be registered with the Construction Contractors Board.
Permits for smaller units are frequently issued over the counter, with appropriate documentation. If the unit weighs over 400 pounds, we must ensure the supporting structure can accommodate the loading.
Yes. Appendix M of the Plumbing Code allows for potable and non-potable use of rainwater on commercial and residential properties.