In most cases, yes. But that change will not be effective until after the construction is complete. We will then need to submit a LOMR to FEMA to update the current Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS).
In come cases, property owners may still need to carry flood insurance if improvements do not relieve all the flooding impacts to nearby properties.
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The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan outlines our strategy to provide pedestrian access in the County right-of-way for people of all abilities.
Traffic/Road Engineering
As-built Online
Drawings of Record for Developments and Road Projects within Washington County. Unable to find a specific as-built drawing? Email [email protected] or call 503-846-7900.
County resource
Traffic/Road Engineering
Bike Safety
Biking is a fun, healthy and a great way to travel! Safety needs to be a major part of any biking event - whether around the corner or around the country.
Traveling Safely
Dispositivos de Control de Tránsito
El uso consistente de señales ayuda a que los viajeros se desplacen de manera segura.
Cumplimos con las leyes y políticas sobre cuándo y cómo instalamos señales, y señales de tránsito, y cómo se establecen los límites de velocidad.
Cumplimos con las leyes y políticas sobre cuándo y cómo instalamos señales, y señales de tránsito, y cómo se establecen los límites de velocidad.
Traffic/Road Engineering
Does this mean I will no longer need to pay for flood insurance?
Frequently Asked Question
Traffic/Road Engineering
Engineering Consultant Resources
Here's where you'll find drawings of record for Washington County road projects (As-Built information) or the Washington County Road Design and Construction Standards, including the Urban Streetscape Design Toolkit.
Traffic/Road Engineering
Enhanced Sheriff's Patrol District
Information on the neighborhoods that fall under Enhanced Sheriff’s Patrol District and the various services offered by ESPD.
Patrol Division
Learn more about the proposed levy, services it would help pay for, and the possible rate and tax impact.
Patrol Division
File a Police Report
If you witness a crime or are victim of criminal activity in non-emergency situations within our jurisdictional areas, you can file a police report online or by calling dispatch.
Patrol Division
Flood Glossary
The definitions below will help define terms commonly used by FEMA in communications with the public.
Traffic/Road Engineering
Flood Information
The Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) manages the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to help reduce the cost and impact of floods. NFIP maps show where floods have happened and are likely to happen again.
Traffic/Road Engineering
Flood Resources
List of Washington County Area floodplain managers and flood resources.
Traffic/Road Engineering
Focused Patrol Enforcement
Building and maintaining strong connections with each of our unique communities helps us effectively conduct proactive policing and establish residents’ trust to report when reactive policing is needed.
Patrol Division
How long after the LOMR is submitted and the new FIRMs issued and become effective?
It could take FEMA several years to review the improvements, perform analysis, and prepare new FIRMs.
Frequently Asked Question
Traffic/Road Engineering
Improving School Access
Washington County is committed to active transportation. Road improvement projects to fill sidewalk gaps, Safe Routes to School program facilitation & development of bicycle lanes separated from traffic/pedestrian facilities demonstrate that commitment.
Land Use & Transportation
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) includes road and traffic signal technology. ITS makes it safer and easier for people to drive, cycle, walk and roll.
Traffic/Road Engineering
Mid-block Crossings
Learn what is needed to build a crosswalk or mid-block crossing.
Traffic/Road Engineering
My property was not in a flood zone before, but now it appears it is. Why, and what does this mean for my property?
Some properties not previously in a flood zone could be in a flood zone following construction. This is due to more accurate topographical survey data incorporated into the hydraulic model and is not related to the recent or upcoming improvements.
Frequently Asked Question
Traffic/Road Engineering
Patrol Ride Along Application
Fill this application to take part in the Sheriff's Office Ride-Along program that provides participants an unique opportunity to accompany a patrol deputy on shift.
County resource
Sheriff's Office
Pedestrian Safety
Walking and rolling are healthy, social and environmentally beneficial. But like all types of travel, it's important for walkers, rollers and drivers to be safe and responsible.
Traveling Safely