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Pedestrian Safety

Walking and rolling are healthy, social and environmentally beneficial. But like all types of travel, it's important for walkers, rollers and drivers to be safe and responsible.

Tips for walkers and rollers

  • Stay alert. Don't assume all drivers and bicyclists are paying attention.
  • Be predictable. Don't cross streets from between parked cars, for example.
  • Obey all traffic the signals
  • Make sure you are seen. Dress in bright colors, wear retro-reflective materials and/or wear reflectors.
  • Carry flashlights in dark areas.
  • Use crosswalks. Be extra cautious when crossing multiple-lane roads.
  • No sidewalks? Travel facing traffic.
  • Stay off freeways and other restricted areas.

Tips for drivers

  • Stop for pedestrians who are in a crosswalk, even if it is not marked. (ORS 811.028)
  • Plan to encounter pedestrians anytime and anywhere.
  • Be especially alert in bad weather or at night.
  • When entering a crosswalk area or intersection, drive slowly and be prepared to stop.
  • Do not overtake and pass other vehicles stopped for pedestrians.
  • When waiting to turn, continue to watch for pedestrians who may move into your path.
  • Be especially attentive around schools and in neighborhoods where children are active.