- CPO 1 | Bonny Slope, Cedar Hills, Cedar Mill
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 1 did not meet.2025
February 10
Agenda | Minutes
March 11
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: What to Expect When I Call 911 for a Medical Emergency, presented by Amy Jo McCarville, Education Coordinator
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue.
January 9
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: MSTIP, presented by Capital Projects Services
Topic: Sunset Station, presented by the Peterkort CompanyFebruary 13
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: All Things Library, presented by Cedar Mill Community LibraryMarch 12
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Beavers - Fish & Wildlife and Smart Development, presented by Oregon's Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Topic: Westside Multimodal Improvements Study, presented by ODOT and MetroApril 9
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: On the May BallotMay 14
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: TriMet Update
Topic: Peterkort Update, presented by David Evans & AssociatesJune 11
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Middle Housing Basics, presented by Anne Kelly, Senior Planner, Wash Co Dept. of Land Use & TransportationJuly 9
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Sheriff's Office on Reckless Driving Behavior
Topic: Ride ConnectionOctober 14
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: On the November Ballot: Measure 118 - Oregon Rebate, presented by David Carlson from Oregon Rebate and Jody Wiser from Tax Fairness OregonNovember 12
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Washington County Clean Water Services, presented by Daniel Rittatore, Lindsey Obermiller, Shannon HugginsDecember 10
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Community Participation Organizations Modernization Project, presented by the County Administrative Office
February 14
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Clean Water Services Overview
Topic: Plans for Former Albertson's BuildingMarch 14
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Updates on Three LUT Projects
Topic: Recycling Basics and Food Waste ReductionApril 11
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Wash Co Mental Health, Addiction and Homeless Services
Topic: Who's on Our Ballot?May 9
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Westside Multimodal Improvements Study
Topic: Volunteering at BSD SchoolsJune 13
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Dale Street Development
Topic: Wash Co and the State SNR Abatement OrderJuly 11
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Wash Co Animal Services Future Plans
Topic: What Do You Value about the CPO Program?September 12
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Beaverton School District Clothes for Kids Program
Topic: Septic Systems
Topic: Willamette Water SupplyOctober 10
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Domestic Extremism in Wash CoDecember 12
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Crosswalks and Other Safety Improvements.
- CPO 3 | Garden Home, Raleigh Hills, West Slope
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 3 did not meet.2025
January 16
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Update on Zoom Meeting Accessibility for CPO and CCI Meetings, presented by Washington County CounselFebruary 20
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Ride Connection, presented by Katie Myszka, Ride Connection Volunteer Outreach Manager.
January 18
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Old Business / New BusinessMarch 21
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Portland Diamond Project
Topic: Tualatin Valley Fire & RescueApril 18
Agenda | Minutes | Pres - Parking Reform
Topic: Treekeepers, presented by Will Koomjian with Emergent Tree Works
Topic: Parking Reform, presented by CJ Doxsee, Senior Planner, Wash Co Land Use & TransportationMay 16
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Old Business / New BusinessJune 20
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Friends of AlpenroseAugust 15
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Fanno Creek Trail WetlandSeptember 19
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Outline for Subdivision and Development of Residential Property - A General Guideline for Smaller ParcelsOctober 17
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Disaster Preparedness, presented by Stan HousemanNovember 21
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Update on Zoom Meeting Accessibility for CPO and CCI Meetings, presented by Washington County Counsel.
January 19
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Friends of Alpenrose
Topic: Waste Management Recycle+ Program, presented by Wash Co Solid Waste and Recycling DivisionFebruary 16
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Treekeepers, presented by Fran Warren
Topic: Neighbors for Wetland PreservationMarch 16
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Garden Home History Project, presented by Stan Houseman
Special Guest: Commissioner Nafisa FaiApril 20
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: AmeriCorps - Waste Prevention, presented by Cosette Lemos
Topic: Wash Co Solid Waste and Recycling, presented by Megan Shuler
Topic: Waste Management Recycle+, presented by Dave Huber
Topic: Neighbors for Wetland Preservation, presented by Geenie ParkerJune 15
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Tualatin RiverkeepersJuly 20
Agenda | Minutes | Letter to BCC re: Portland Golf Course/LUT Delay, dated Aug. 3, 2023
Topic: LUT Capital Projects DivisionSeptember 21
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: New Onsite Septic Financial Aid ProgramOctober 19
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Tools to Combat SpeedingNovember 16
- CPO 4K | King City and Vicinity
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 4K did not meet.2025
January 28
Agenda | Minutes
February 25
Agenda | Minutes
Ride Connection, presented by Katie Myszka, Ride Connection Volunteer Outreach Manager
Water Reservoir 18 Project, presented by City of Tigard project team staff
River Terrace 2.0, presented by Schuyler Warren with the City of Tigard.
January 22
Agenda | Cancelled
June 24
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Kingston Terrace Town Center DevelopmentJuly 22
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Elsner and Beef Bend Road Development
Topic: CPO 4K 2024 Steering Committee ElectionsOctober 28
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: King City Candidates ForumNovember 25
Agenda | Minutes
Special guests: King City Councilor Jan Tysoe, Washington County Commissioner Roy Rogers, Washington County Commissioner-Elect Jason Snider.
May 15
Agenda | Minutes
Guest: Metro City Council Gerritt Rosenthal
Guest: King City City Manager Michael Weston.
- CPO 4M | Durham, East Tigard, Metzger
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 4M did not meet.
January 22
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Ride Connection, presented by Katie MyszkaFebruary 26
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: CPO and CCI Policy Update.
January 24
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Proposed Land Use ApplicationsFebruary 28
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Proposed Land Use ApplicationsMarch 27
Agenda | Minutes
Guest: Representative Ben BowmanApril 24
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Parking Reform: Climate Friendly & Equitable CommunitiesMay 22
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Proposed Land Use ApplicationsAugust 28
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Proposed Land Use Applications
Topic: SNR Ordinances 901 & 902September 25
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Significant Natural Resources Ordinances 901 & 902October 23
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: CPO Modernization, presented by the Washington County Office of Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement
Topic: Significant Natural Resources Ordinances 901 & 902November 20
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: CPO Modernization, presented by the Washington County Office of Equity, Inclusion and Community Engagement
Topic: Significant Natural Resources Ordinances 901 & 902
January 25
Agenda | Minutes
Topics: Proposed Land Use Applications
Guest: Metro Councilor Gerritt RosenthalFebruary 22
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Proposed Land Use ApplicationsMarch 22
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Proposed Land Use ApplicationsApril 26
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Proposed Land Use ApplicationsMay 24
Agenda | Minutes
Guest: Wash Co Commissioner Roy RogersJune 28
Agenda | Minutes
Guest: Tigard Police Chief Kathy McAlpineJuly 26
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Enforcement Order vs. Washington County | Topic: Metzger Park Local Improvement DistrictSeptember 27
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Oregon Dept. of Fish & Wildlife | Guests: State Representative Ben Bowman and State Senator Aaron WoodsOctober 25
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: New Project - Tigard HomeNovember 22
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Proposed Land Use Applications.
- CPO 6 | Aloha, Cooper Mountain, Reedville
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 6 did not meet.2025
February 6
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Sheriff's Office - Crime Map, presented by Washington County Sheriff's Office
Topic: Notification Process on Middle Housing, presented by Nancy Fletcher, CPO 6
Topic: Update on Aloha Incorporation Process, presented by Caleb Bourgeois, CPO 6March 10
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: MAX Crossing at SW 185th Avenue and W Baseline Road, presented by the Washington County Land Use & Transportation, City of Hillsboro, and TriMet.
March 7
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Countywide Transit Study
Topic: Wash Co TreekeepersApril 4
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Significant Natural Resources, presented by Fran Warren
Topic: Ordinance 882 - Tile Flat Road Extension, presented by Fran WarrenMay 2
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Updates on Recent Land Use Decisions and Upcoming Community EventJune 6
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Middle Housing BasicsOctober 3
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: TV Highway Transit Project, presented by MetroNovember 7
Agenda | Minutes | Pres by CPO 6 - Community Engagement Resources
Topic: Transportation for High Growth Communities, presented by Fran WarrenDecember 5
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Farmington Road Project, presented by the Department of Land Use & Transportation
Topic: Filing Metro Grant for City of Aloha Study, presented by Caleb Bourgeois, CPO 6
Special Guest: Commissioner Nafisa Fai.
March 9
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Discussions of Community Questions about Land UseSeptember 7
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: CPO 6 Fall Kickoff with Special Guest Nafisa FaiOctober 5
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Work Session (no formal agenda)December 7
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: SW 209th Avenue Project.
- CPO 7 | Bethany, Rock Creek, Sunset West
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 7 did not meet.2025
January 13
Agenda | Minutes
Event: Community Resource FairFebruary 10
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Emergency Preparedness, presented by Washington CountyMarch 10
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: MAX Crossing at SW 185th Avenue and W Baseline Road, presented by Washington County Land Use & Transporation, City of Hillsboro, and TriMet.
February 12
Agenda | Minutes | WCSO Report | THPRD Levy Update
Topic: Vision for Development at NW Pioneer and NW 150th PropertiesMarch 11
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Middle Housing Description, Ordinances, Planning ProcessApril 8
Agenda | Minutes | WCSO Report | THPRD Pres - NW Heckman Ln Nature Park
Topic: Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District ProjectsMay 13
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Traffic Safety PresentationsJune 10
Agenda | Minutes | Pres - Ride Conection
Topic: Improved Transit Service Coming to BethanySeptember 9
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Beaverton Resource CenterOctober 14
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: On the November Ballot: Measure 18 - Oregon RebateNovember 12
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Washington County Clean Water Services, presented by Daniel Rittatore, Lindsey Obermiller, Shannon HugginsDecember 10
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Washington County Community Participation Organizations Modernization Project, presented by the Washington County Administrative Office.
April 10
Agenda | Minutes
Guests: County Chair Kathryn Harrington and Commissioner Pam TreeceJune 12
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Sale of Surplus Elementary School Site in Beaverton School District.
- CPO 8 | Helvetia, North Hillsboro, North Plains, Mountaindale
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 8 did not meet.2025
January 16
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: A Report: CPO 8 Recommendation to County on Type II/III Land Use ApplicationsMarch 20
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: The Principles of the Strong Towns Movement.
January 31
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Reactivation of CPO 8 | Overview of CPOs | Election of CPO 8 Steering Committee MembersFebruary 29
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Reactivation Work SessionMarch 21
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: North Plains UGB UpdateApril 18
Agenda | Minutes
Topics: Friends of North Plains Smart GrowthMay 16
Agenda (no formal agenda available, see email notice) | Minutes
Special Guest: City Planner Ron Bunch - Perspective of City Planning in Relation to Oregon Land Use Laws
Topic: Work Session on CPO 8 Land UseJune 20
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Summer PlanningJuly 18
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: How Farms Can Protect Their Properties from Urban Encroachment, presented by Nicole Ruggiero, Rural Conservation Project Manager, Tualatin Soil & Water DistrictOctober 24
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Water Law, Irrigation, Resources, presented by Alice Morrison, Co-Director of Friends of Family FarmersNovember 21
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Water Law, Irrigation, Resources, presented by Alice Morrison, Co-Director of Friends of Family FarmersDecember 19
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Recap of 2024 & Direction for 2025, presented by Nellie McAdams, Board President of 1,000 Friends and Executive Director of Oregon Ag Trust.
- CPO 10 | Chehalem Mountain, Farmington, Groner, Laurel, Scholls
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 10 did not meet.2025
January 16
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Historic Landmarks Advisory CommitteeFebruary 20
Agenda | Minutes (Meeting was cancelled. The presenter was ill.)
Topic: Estate Planning Seminar, presented by Brett Callahan, Attorney at Law, Law Offices of Nay & Friedenberg LLCMarch 20
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Estate Planning Seminar, presented by Brett Callahan, Attorney at Law, Law Offices of Nay & Friedenberg LLC.
February 15
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Tour of MorroccoMarch 14
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: 80 Years of HistoryApril 25
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Non-Profit, Save Chehalem MountainMay 16
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Emergency Preparedness StrategiesSeptember 19
Agenda | Minutes
Special Tour: Ruth Riedweg's Farm & All-Energy Efficient HomeOctober 24
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Candidates Forum - Oregon House District 36 Campaign, with candidates Shawn Chummar and Incumbent Hai Pham.
January 25
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: The Owyhee River JournalsFebruary 16
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Managing Emerald Ash Borer ImpactsMarch 9
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Oregon Agricultural Trust and the Coalition of Oregon Land TrustsApril 27
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Washington County TreekeepersMay 18
Agenda | Minutes
Event: Twin Oaks Airpark Tour & Presentation on Daily OperationsSeptember 21
Agenda | Minutes | Pres - DLCD Farmland Conservation Program
Topic: Land Use Planning Program - Working Lands ConservationOctober 26
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Beaver State Wildlife SolutionsNovember 16
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Farmland First.
- CPO 12C | Cornelius, West Dairy Creek
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 12C did not meet.2025
February 6
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Housing Instability, presented by Centro CulturalMarch 6
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Oregon State University Extension Service, presented by Nadine Menashe, Administrative Manager.
February 15
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: City of Cornelius Visioning ProcessApril 4
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Emergency Preparedness Training and PresentationMay 2
Agenda | Minutes
Special Guest: Meet Washington County Sheriff Caprice MasseySeptember 5
Agenda | Minutes | Presentation: Ride Connection | Sheriff's Office Report
Topic: Ride Connection
Topic: Weed Wrangling - Strategies and Resources for Managing Weeds, presented by Eli Staggs, Invasive Species Technician, Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation DistrictOctober 3
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: What Is New in Cornelius, presented by Cornelius City Manager Peter Brandom
Topic: CPO Modernization, presented by the Washington County Office of Equity, Inclusion and Community EngagementDecember 5
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Housing Instability, presented by Centro Cultural.
March 2
Agenda - English | Agenda - Spanish | Minutes
Guest: New City Manager Peter Brandom Meet-And-GreetApril 6
Agenda - English | Agenda - Spanish | Minutes
Topic: School Bond Improvements - Cornelius and Echo Shaw Elementary SchoolsMay 4
Agenda - English | Agenda - Spanish | Minutes
Guest: Washington County District Attorney Kevin Barton - Public Safety Update
Topic: Data Network Groundwater StudyJune 8
Agenda - English | Agenda - Spanish | Minutes
Topic: Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District - Rural and Other ProgramsSeptember 7
Agenda - English | Agenda - Spanish | Minutes
Topic: Cornelius Fire Levy.
- CPO 12F | Forest Grove
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 12F did not meet.2023
March 22
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Adopt CPO 12F Bylaws
Topic: CCI/CPO Re-Envisioning Update
Topic: Strategic Priorities DiscussionApril 26
Agenda | Minutes | Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
Topic: Time, Place, Manner Ordinance (stakeholder feedback)
Topic: Acquisition of Elm Street PropertyJune 28
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: FEAST Community Conversations.
- CPO 13 | Gales Creek, Roy, Verboort and Vicinity
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 13 did not meet.2025
January 15
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Forest Grove Fire Department, presented by Fire Chief Jim Geering2024
May 22
Agenda | Minutes | Election Nomination Sheets
Topic: CPO 13 Reactivation - Consider VolunteeringJune 26
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Election of CPO 13 Officers
Topic: Council Creek Trail, presented by Washington County Land Use & TransporationSeptember 19
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Banks Fire District 13 - Community Emergency Response TeamOctober 16
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: OSU Extension Service OverviewNovember 20
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: American Legion Overview, presented by Dale Thaler- CPO 14 | Banks, Buxton, Manning, Timber
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 14 did not meet.2025
January 9
February 13
Agenda | CANCELLED - Due to inclement weather
March 13
Agenda | Minutes
Demonstration: On County Land Use Applications Process.
Note: February-April 2024, CPO 14 was in the process of activating. They began holding community meetings in May.
March 14
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Nominations for CPO 14 Steering Committee MembersMay 9
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Review Bylaws
Topic: About the CPO Program, presented by Bruce BartlettJune 13
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Bylaws Review
Topic: Wilkes House RestorationJuly 11
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Bylaws ReviewAugust 8
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Bylaws ReviewSeptember 12
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Community Wildfire PreparednessOctober 10
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Banks Community Emergency Preparedness Plan, presented by Dr. Brian Sica with the Banks School District, Banks Fire Chief Rodney Linz, Banks City Manager Jolynn BeckerNovember 14
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Discussion of the Community Participation Organizations Modernization Project.
- CPO 15 | Blooming and Fern Hill
Missing dates reflect months that CPO 15 did not meet.2024
February 15
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Friends of North Plains - Smart Growth
Topic: Spring Garden Prep & Planning, presented by OSU Master GardenersMay 16
Agenda | Minutes | Sheriff's Office: Traffic Page, File a Complaint | Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District
Topic: Tualatin Soil and Water Conservation District | Forest Hills Lutheran SchoolSeptember 26
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Protecting Our Farmland, by TVWCD
Topic: Ride ConnectionNovember 14
Agenda | Minutes
Topic: Housing Instability in Washington County, presented by Centro Cultural.
March 22
Agenda | Minutes
Guest: New Fire Chief Jim Geering
Topic: Fernhill Wetlands
Topic: Chehalem Mountains Groundwater Monitoring ProjectSeptember 28
Agenda | Minutes | Pres - Council Creek Regional Trail | WCSO - Coffee with a Cop | WCSO - Map/Crime Reports
Topic: Council Creek Regional Trail ProjectNovember 16
Agenda | Minutes
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If you need ADA accommodations, language interpretation or translation, or any other assistance to help you access County services and/or any opportunities for participation, please email [email protected] with your request.
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