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Public testimony and sign up

Planning Commission Public Testimony and Sign Up information.

Prior to scheduled public hearing items, the Planning Commission conducts a Work Session to receive briefings from County staff. No public testimony is taken on Work Session items. Following the Work Session, the Planning Commission considers agenda items, including scheduled public hearing items and consideration of minutes.

How to Testify

The public is welcome to speak/provide testimony during:

  • Public Hearings - Time is limited to three minutes.
  • Oral Communications (on any item NOT on the agenda): Time is limited to five minutes for individuals and 10 minutes for an authorized representative of a Citizen Participation Organization (CPO). The Chair may adjust time limits.

To testify, either phone in or log in to Zoom. (See agendas.) When your name is called, your microphone or phone will be unmuted. You will have five seconds to begin speaking; if you do not, the next topic/speaker will be called. Please follow these guidelines:

  • When your name is called, state your name and home/business address for the record.
  • Groups or organizations making a presentation must designate one spokesperson in the interest of time and to avoid repetition.
  • When there is more than one speaker on any topic, please avoid repetition.

To provide oral communication or testimony at a Planning Commission meeting, please complete the sign up form at least two hours before the start of a meeting.

To submit written communication or testimony, submit via mail, email or fax:

Any written testimony submitted after these deadlines will be provided to decision makers in advance of the next meeting on the agenda item, which may be at the Planning Commission or the Board of Commissioners.

  • By 5 p.m. on Tuesday before an afternoon Planning Commission meeting.
  • By Noon (12 p.m.) on Wednesday before an evening Planning Commission meeting.