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Pottratz Road restoration project

This project is complete.

Pottratz Road is closed for 1.3 miles due to a 2007 landslide. We are restoring 0.7 mile of that closed section, between the north barricades and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) property on the south. See map

Our work includes vegetation clearing, ditching to re-establishing roadside drainage, grading and adding gravel. The gravel section will be 16-feet wide, narrowing to about 12-feet wide in a few locations because of a stream and embankment.

Once we complete this work, only a 0.6-mile portion of Pottratz Road, from the culvert to Dixie Mountain Road will remain closed.

In addition to restoring access to the BLM land, reopening this portion of the road provides fire access to timberlands. The 2020 wildfires highlight the importance of maintaining this access.

Construction start (expected): Spring 2021
Construction finish (expected): 7/31/2021


Construction is complete.


Cost: $250,000 (2021 estimate)

Funding sources:

Road Fund
