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Garden Home Road and 84th Avenue (FY 2022-24 Pedestrian & Biking Improvement)

The intersection of Garden Home Road and 84th Avenue doesn’t have a pedestrian crossing.

We will add a crosswalk, signs, road striping and curb ramps.

A Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon (RRFB) will be installed to alert drivers when someone is in the crosswalk. RRFBs are crossing signals with blinking lights that turn on when a pedestrian presses a button.

This project is part of a larger effort to connect sidewalks and walkways in the Bethany area.

Construction start (expected): Aug. 29, 2023
Construction finish (expected): Jan. 2024


1/18/2024: This project is complete.


Cost: $200,000 (2022 estimate)

Funding source:

Urban Road Maintenance District (URMD)

Prior events and comment opportunities

Online open house: Oct. 21- Nov. 6, 2022


A protected pedestrian crossing in the area was first suggested by a community member as a Pedestrian and Biking Improvement Project candidate. The Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC) reviews the candidates for funding every other year. They approved funding for this project and 11 others in August 2021 after a public comment period. URMDAC then recommended the projects to the Board of County Commissioners. The Board approved them in October 2021.

Pedestrian-count data was collected at the intersection before URMDAC considered the project. The data showed that similar levels of bicyclists and pedestrians cross Garden Home Road at 82nd, 83rd and 84th avenues. This information helped us develop our strategy for upgrading this crossing.

Cyclists use 84th Avenue as the neighborhood bikeway, as it has lower speeds and traffic volumes. A crossing at 84th Avenue will create a direct connection for those accessing the Fanno Creek Trail and Garden Home Park. Fewer people will use the park trails for transportation, making them more inviting for recreational users.

Our consultants completed an extensive crossing assessment, which found there is enough sight distance for drivers to stop safely. Though there is a dip in the road, the assessment showed that drivers would have about 300 feet of stopping distance from both crests in the road to the crossing. This distance is appropriate based on the actual speeds driven versus the posted speed limit.

The design provides a crossing that is visible and safe for users and vehicles that are traveling on Garden Home Road.

In addition, we are installing high-visibility warning signs alerting drivers to the crossing ahead and urging them to slow down. We will trim vegetation around the crossing and signs to make sure there are no obstructions. This work can take place before construction begins.

The Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) will provide the most improvement. It will improve visibility by flashing when activated by a user. Both the RRFB and high-visibility crosswalk markings will alert drivers to people in the crosswalk.

A traffic analysis was completed in the summer of 2022. The study found most drivers (85%) traveled at or less than 38 mph. The posted speed limit is 30 mph. The Washington County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) found few drivers traveling faster than 38 mph.

Research shows that RRFBs are especially effective at ensuring a safe crossing with speed limits lower than 40 mph. We followed standards and guidelines from various agencies to make sure the crossing design meets the needs of the road. These standards include:

  • Federal Highway Administration, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
  • National Cooperative Highway Research Program
  • Oregon Department of Transportation, Bicycle and Pedestrian Design Guide

To report speeding and other unsafe behavior, complete a WCSO traffic complaint form.

Garden Home Road is an arterial road, meaning that it is high capacity and designed to carry traffic longer distances. This classification limits our options.

An RRFB crossing is the best option given safety and location factors. The traffic analysis recommended an RRFB crossing as the safest option.
