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Washington County policy supports separated bicycle facilities

A resolution and order establishing a policy for the design of bicycle facilities for County-funded capital road improvement projects was adopted by the Washington County Board of Commissioners at its Jan. 10 meeting.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Monday, January 16, 2017

Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation, Administrative Services/Office of the Director Division

A resolution and order establishing a policy for the design of bicycle facilities for County-funded capital road improvement projects was adopted by the Washington County Board of Commissioners at its Jan. 10 meeting.

"This action solidifies the Board's support for separated, or protected, bicycle facilities on major County roads, when appropriate," said Commissioner Dick Schouten, District 1. "The board has long recognized the need to not only provide access to bicyclists, but to make sure that access is safe and equitable."

The policy includes criteria for staff to consider when evaluating options for bicycle facilities, said Andrew Singelakis, director, Washington County Department of Land Use &Transportation.

"This reinforces our policy of preparing and presenting bicycle facility alternative analyses to the Board when our capital projects are at the 30 percent design stage," said Singelakis.

The resolution reflects the County's commitment to the benefits of active transportation. Using Gain Share funds, Washington County completes bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects on roadways where such facilities are lacking. In FY 2015-16 the Board committed Gain Share dollars totaling $2 million per year for 10 years to fund projects identified in the School Access Improvement Study (SAIS), which evaluated access to 53 public schools, including access by walking and bicycling.

"Bicycling and other forms of active transportation promotes healthy lifestyles, reduces traffic congestion and improves our quality of life," Schouten said. "As a Board, we are committed to doing everything we can to support this by making sure our roadways are safe for all modes of transportation."

Washington County is committed to planning, building and maintaining a great transportation system, ensuring the safety of all roadway users, and operating the County roadway system in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner.

Media Contact:

Melissa De Lyser, Communications Coordinator
[email protected]