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URMD Safety Improvements

In September 2011, the Board of County Commissioners adopted an ordinance which expands the services eligible for funding by the Urban Road Maintenance District to include construction of safety improvements.
News article
Release date: 11/22/2011
Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation

In September 2011, the Board of County Commissioners adopted an ordinance which expands the services eligible for funding by the Urban Road Maintenance District to include construction of safety improvements such as sidewalks, bike lanes and paved shoulders. "The need for safe, walkable neighborhoods is becoming more apparent as we grow," said Andy Duyck, Washington County Chairman. "We have heard the requests of communities to find a way to make these improvements, and we are responding accordingly."

All roads within the District (roads under county jurisdiction within the urban unincorporated areas) are eligible for safety improvements, including Arterials and Collectors.

Prior to this change, URMD funds were limited to road maintenance only. Maintenance of Urban Locals and Neighborhood Routes will remain the District's primary emphasis. The pavement of URMD-eligible roads over the last few years has been maintained in a "very good" condition, at an average rating of about 85 PCI (Pavement Condition Index). To free up funding for safety improvements, the URMD Advisory Committee proposed, and the Board adopted, a service level target average PCI of 75, with 90 percent at or above 65 – a reduced but still "good" pavement condition rating.

The URMD property tax rate remains unchanged at $0.245/$1,000 assessed value. The amount allocated for safety improvements in any given year will be determined during the annual budget process. The URMD Advisory Committee will have input into the selection of safety improvement projects.

Media Contact:

Stephen Roberts, Communications Coordinator
(503) 846-4963
[email protected]