Media release
For Immediate Release: Friday, October 23, 2015
Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation, Operations and Maintenance Division
Seven Safety Improvement projects were recommended by the Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC) on Oct. 21 for inclusion in the 2016-17 Road Maintenance Program. They are:
- 90th Avenue from Locust to Borders Street - paved pathway along east side.
- Augusta Lane from Pheasant Lane to #17415 - sidewalk along north side.
- Beef Bend Road from Colyer Way to Peachtree Drive - paved pathway along north side.
- Butner Road from #585 to 139th Avenue - sidewalk along north side.
- Farmington Road from 173rd Avenue to #5215 - paved pathway on south side.
- Rigert Road from #17720 to 175th Avenue - paved pathway on south side.
- Saltzman Road from Hartford to #12962 and from #3660 to #12988 - paved pathway on east side.
The committee selected from small road improvement candidates that were eligible for Safety Improvement funding through the Urban Road Maintenance District. The committee considered public comments submitted during a six-week public outreach period.
After review by Department of Land Use & Transportation staff, these URMD Safety Improvement projects will be included in the 2016-17 Road Maintenance Program presented to the Board of County Commissioners for approval in June.
Related: URMD Safety Improvement Projects
Washington County is committed to planning, building and maintaining a great transportation system, ensuring the safety of all roadway users, and to operating the County roadway system in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner.Media Contact:
Melissa De Lyser, Communications Coordinator503-846-4963