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Road crews prepare for Round 2 of wet windy weather

Washington County road crews are preparing for another round of wet and windy weather. The Department of Land Use & Transportation activities its Department Operations Center today.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, December 09, 2015

County road incident map now online
UPDATED: 12/09/2015
Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation

A new online map displays current emergency road closures and restrictions. This map will remain available while the Department's Operations Center is activated in response to this current weather event.

Red highlighted locations are "emergency road closures" (signs are in place), orange is "impassable" (closed but may not have signs up), yellow is "partially restricted" (traffic able to get through), and green is "open" (there may be debris or other conditions present, but open to traffic).

You can zoom in or out. Click on a highlighted incident to see more about it.

Here's the link:

Road crews are responding to these locations as quickly as they can. Report any updates to this map to [email protected] or 503-846-7623.

Original release: Dec. 8, 2015

In response to flooding and flood-related incidents, Washington County Department of Land Use & Transportation activated its Department Operations Center today. The Operations Center will operate 24 hours/day as long as necessary.

To report flooding and other road hazards, call 503-846-7623 (846-ROAD) while the Operations Center is activated.

For a current list of County roads impacted by flooding, visit or monitor Twitter at @WashCoRoads. For regional alerts, visit

Below are updates from Washington County and the National Weather Service.

Flood advisory and river levels

  • The National Weather Service has issued a flood advisory up to 3 inches of rain expected on the valley floor.
  • As a result of the increased rain, the Tualatin River is expected to crest Wednesday afternoon.

High water on roadways

  • High water is covering many roadways, and additional road flooding is expected.
  • Travelers must obey road closure signs for safety. Do not move or drive past road closure barricades.
  • Driving through flooded roads could cause vehicles to be swept away or stall in the middle of the high water. If flooding is visible on roadways, Turn around. Don't Drown.

Wind advisory

  • A wind advisory is in effect until early Wednesday morning with gusts up to 45 mph. High winds may result in debris on roadways and power outages.
  • Be alert to changing driving conditions. Plan on delays.
  • If you encounter a nonfunctioning traffic signal, treat the intersection as an all-way stop - the driver who stops first goes first.


  • Landslides and debris flows are possible, especially in canyons and on steep slopes. Those living in areas prone to flooding should be prepared to take action should flooding develop.
  • Use caution when traveling in stormy weather. Be prepared and make smart choices.
  • Keep storm drains clear of debris and leaves to prevent neighborhood street flooding.
  • If you live in a flood-prone area, visit a self-service sandbag site.

Request help or report a road hazard

Additional safety and health messages

Washington County Public Health recommends the following:

  • Injury prevention: Stay out of flood waters. Even the strongest swimmers can drown in flood waters. Do not drive through standing water. Never make contact with power lines or objects that are in contact with power lines. Wear eye projection when cleaning up storm debris.
  • First aid: Immediately clean all wounds with soap and water. If your skin or eyes come in contact with hazardous materials, wash thoroughly with decontaminated water. If possible, make sure your tetanus vaccination is up to date.
  • Water: Be on alert for local boil-water advisories and follow recommendations provided.
  • Well water: If your well has been affected by flood waters, it is recommended that you boil your water for at least one minute at a rolling boil or purchase water from a safe source. Before resuming normal use of the well, have the water tested for possible bacteria and pollutants.
  • Foods: Do not eat foods that have come in contact with flood waters. Throw away food that cannot be kept cold or properly heated due to lack of power.
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning: Don't use a generator, pressure washer, charcoal grill, camp stove or other gasoline- or charcoal-burning device inside your home, basement or garage or near a window, door or vent. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas. If carbon monoxide poisoning is suspected, seek fresh air and consult with a health-care provider right away.
  • Home safety: If there is standing water in your home, never turn power on or off yourself - contact an electrician.
  • Mold: Remove mold by washing with soap and water and letting surfaces dry completely. Some materials such as moldy clothing, ceiling tiles and sheet rock may have to be replaced. If mold-related illness is suspected, consult your health-care provider.

For more information, please visit Washington County Department of Health and Human Services online at

Washington County is committed to planning, building and maintaining a great transportation system, ensuring the safety of all roadway users, and operating the County roadway system in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner.

Media Contact:

Melissa De Lyser, Communications Coordinator
[email protected]