For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Eight pedestrian crossings on 170th and 185th avenues and Baseline Road have been selected for survey and design work for future improvements through the Arterial Pedestrian Crossing Analyses project.
The crossing locations are as follows:
- Site 4: SW 170th Avenue at SW Vendla Park Lane
- Site 5: SW 170th Avenue at SW Johnson Street
- Site 6: SW 170th Avenue at SW Florence Street
- Site 8: SW 185th Avenue at SW Pheasant Lane
- Site 9: SW 185th Avenue at SW Sandra Lane
- Site 10: SW 185th Avenue at SW Cascade Drive
- Site 11: SW 185th Avenue at SW Blanton Street (offset intersections)
- Site 12: SW Baseline Road at SW 175th - MAX track crossing
The project is funded by a Metro Regional Flexible Funds grant. The project draft report included recommendations for improvements at 12 crossings. The grant provided survey and preliminary design for only eight sites. An August 2017 online open house solicited public comment, which helped Washington County Department of Land Use & Transportation (LUT) staff trim the list to eight.
"Improvements to Sites 1-3 of the 12 sites were all on Walker Road and will be considered as part of the Walker Road construction project," said Pat Oakes, LUT senior project manager.
"Site 7 SW 185th at SW Jay Street was eliminated because it is very close to Site 8, and Sites 7 and 8 have very similar layouts. We believe that design work on either of the two sites can be implemented at the other. Because the Pheasant Lane site is due for park and pathway improvements as part of a Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District project, we felt that was a more timely choice."
The analyses, survey and design work on the eight sites will help secure additional grants and other sources to fund crossing improvements when larger road projects are scheduled. For more information, visit the Arterial Pedestrian Crossing Project .
Washington County is committed to planning, building and maintaining a great transportation system, ensuring the safety of all roadway users, and operating the County roadway system in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner.
Media Contact:
Melissa De Lyser, Communications Manager503-846-4963