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Open House for North Bethany Community Plan Implementation

Washington County Holding Open House for North Bethany Community Plan Implementation July 28
Media release

For Immediate Release: Monday, July 19, 2010

Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation, Division

Washington County's Department of Land Use and Transportation, Long Range Planning Division, invites interested parties to an Open House on Wednesday, July 28, from 4 to 7 p.m. at Portland Community College's Events Center, 17705 NW Springville Road. The open house will focus on recent progress towards creating the implementation ordinance and funding plan for future development in North Bethany. The public will have an opportunity to review and comment on the recently filed Ordinance 730. Staff will be available for questions. There are no formal presentations, so the public may drop in anytime between 4 and 7 p.m.

Based on community, property owner and stakeholder efforts over the last three years, an illustrative Concept Plan was adopted in October 2009 by the Washington County Board of Commissioners. Ordinance 730 provides the tools to implement the Concept Plan. It directs how development may occur in North Bethany and ensures adherence to the community's vision for this new area.

The North Bethany area was brought into the Urban Growth Boundary in 2002. Washington County began planning for the community in 2007 to create a Community of Distinction. Once completed over the next 20 to 25 years, the community will have neighborhood and community parks, walking and biking trails, close-in small commercial areas, a range of housing types and designs, and natural areas and public spaces for all to enjoy.

This open house precedes the first Washington County Planning Commission work session on August 4 and the first public hearing on August 11. To learn more please visit the North Bethany web site at

Washington County is committed to planning and protecting the uses of the land, balancing care for the natural environment, economic development, safety and community livability.

Media Contact:

Mike Dahlstrom, Program Educator
[email protected]