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Oleson Road wins DJC “Top Project” Award

Daily Journal of Commerce praises public involvement in neighborhood improvement
Media release

For Immediate Release: Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation

On April 30 the Daily Journal of Commerce announced its Top Projects for 2009. Washington County's Oleson Road reconstruction project came in first place for the Public Works/Infrastructure/Transportation: $5 to $15 million category. The DJC says, "With an eye toward accommodating a growing demand for better road, pedestrian and bike access, Washington County worked with the public to come up with a new design for the road."

This $17.8 million improvement of SW Oleson Road was one of Washington County's Major Streets Transportation Improvement Program #3 projects, approved by voters in 1995. It extends from just north of SW Hall Boulevard to the south approach of the Fanno Creek bridge (just south of Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway), approximately 2.6 miles. The newly rebuilt road has left turn lanes at selected intersections, bike lanes, sidewalks, streetlights, and a new traffic signal at SW 80th Avenue. Other enhancements include new water quality and storm drainage facilities, improved road geometry (safer curves and sight distances), and extensive utility upgrades.

The County would like to express their gratitude to Emery and Sons Construction, their subcontractors, and especially to the residents of the Garden Home area. The County would also like to acknowledge the Garden Home Crossing Committee, neighborhood volunteers who worked so hard to beautify the landscape along Oleson Road. The thousands of daffodils that bloomed this spring are a harbinger of increasing beauty as all the new landscaping matures.

For more information about the Oleson Road project go to is external). Washington County is committed to building and maintaining the best transportation system, ensuring the safety of all roadway users, and operating the county roadway system in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner.

Media Contact:

Anne Madden, Sr. Program Educator
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