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Mt. Richmond Road closes Sept. 9 for bridge replacement

Mt. Richmond Road, between Patton Valley and South roads, is expected to close Sept. 9-Nov. 30 for a bridge replacement.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Friday, August 28, 2020

Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation

Mt. Richmond Road, between Patton Valley and South roads, is expected to close Sept. 9-Nov. 30 for a bridge replacement.

All traffic will be detoured via South and Patton Valley roads.

The Phase 2 bridge will be replaced with a single-span concrete bridge with funding from the County’s Road Fund and the Oregon Department of Transportation.

For more information, visit the Mt. Richmond Road Bridge Phase 2 webpage, call Capital Project Services at 503-846-7800 or email

Media Contact:

Heather Sturgill, Senior Communications Specialist/PIO
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