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Comments sought on potential pedestrian crossing locations

Pedestrians who frequent SW Walker and SW Baseline roads and SW 170th and SW 185th avenues are asked to provide input on 12 potential crossing sites through the Washington County Arterial Pedestrian Crossing Analyses online open house
Media release

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation, Capital Project Services Division

Pedestrians who frequent SW Walker and SW Baseline roads and SW 170th and SW 185th avenues are asked to provide input on 12 potential crossing sites through the Washington County Arterial Pedestrian Crossing Analyses online open house.

The four high-traffic roads were selected from the County's Transportation System Plan for further analysis using the County Mid-block Crossing Policy. The Arterial Pedestrian Crossing Analyses draft report includes recommendations for enhanced crossing treatments at each of the 12 potential crossing sites for near and long-term implementation. The analysis considered both existing and future traffic conditions, pedestrian and bicycle use and nearby destinations.

The online open house will be available through Aug. 31 at Participants can comment on as many of the 12 potential crossing locations as they choose. Each potential location crossing comment page includes a summary of all proposed crossing treatments.

Comments received will aid staff in developing a final list of crossing sites for consideration and possible implementation as future, larger road projects are designed and constructed.

Washington County is committed to planning, building and maintaining a great transportation system, ensuring the safety of all roadway users, and operating the County roadway system in a cost-effective and environmentally responsible manner.

Media Contact:

Melissa De Lyser, Communications Coordinator
[email protected]