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Applications sought for Washington County Transportation Study Advisory Committee

Media release - Applications sought for Washington County Transportation Study Advisory Committee - Applications Due January 30
Media release

For Immediate Release: Friday, January 09, 2015

Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation

Washington County has developed into a vibrant urban metropolitan area that also retains a thriving rural community and economy. A safe and functional transportation system is critical to our economy and quality of life. At the close of its 2013 session, the Oregon Legislature provided funding for the Washington County Transportation Study to evaluate the long-term transportation strategies and investments needed to sustain the county's economic health and quality of life in the coming decades.

The county is currently seeking nominations for up to 12 community members who live or work in Washington County and who will bring a diverse range of interests, knowledge and perspectives to participate in a Study Advisory Committee (SAC) that will advise county staff at key study milestones. The SAC will serve as a forum to explore how the study's approach, analysis and potential transportation investment packages meet the county's anticipated future transportation needs and reflect community values. "This is a unique study, and we are looking for a diverse group of big picture thinkers who can help us look beyond a 20-year horizon," said Andrew Singelakis, the county's Director of Land Use &Transportation. SAC members will be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC).

If you are interested in applying for the SAC, you can fill out an application online or download a pdf to mail or email. SAC applications are due by January 30, 2015. Applicants will be notified if they have been appointed by the BCC as SAC members in early March 2015.

Additional information:

The Washington County Transportation Study provides a unique opportunity to:

  • think big and look far beyond the Transportation System Plan's 20-year horizon;
  • study the county's evolving demographic and economic conditions and implications for travel needs;
  • evaluate the tradeoffs from two transportation investment packages against a range of community values and two plausible future land use scenarios; and
  • position Washington County for continued success in the future.

The study results will provide a better understanding of long-term transportation needs, tradeoffs between alternative transportation investments, and provide guidance for subsequent updates to regional, county, and local plans. The study will be led by the county's Department of Land Use & Transportation (LUT).

If you want to learn more about the study or the SAC application process, please visit or contact LUT at [email protected] or call 503-846-4530 (and press "0").

Washington County is committed to planning and protecting the uses of the land and to building and maintaining a great transportation system -- balancing care for the natural environment, economic development, safety and community livability.

Media Contact:

Stephen Roberts, Communications Coordinator
[email protected]