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Annual Road Maintenance Plan Draft

Annual Road Maintenance Plan Draft now available for public review.
Media release

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sponsored by: Department of Land Use and Transportation, Operations and Maintenance Division

Washington County invites public input on the DRAFT 2012-13 Road Maintenance Program. Comments may be submitted using the online form, by e-mail, or by calling 503-846-ROAD (846-7623) by April 27.

The Department of Land Use and Transportation's annual road maintenance program identifies activities that preserve the public's investment in the county's transportation infrastructure. The goal is to provide the highest possible level of service within available resources. This year's plan also includes construction of small improvements - Minor Betterments - intended to improve connectivity and/or safety for all modes of travel.

The Washington County Board of Commissioners guides development of the annual maintenance program through the Road Maintenance Prioritization Policy in the Transportation Plan. Roads in the major roadway system get the most use and are the highest priority for maintenance funding. Local roads and neighborhood streets carry fewer residents and are a lower priority for maintenance funds.

Road maintenance is funded primarily by gas tax. Washington County receives a portion of state funds generated by a 30-cents-a-gallon tax on gasoline, large truck weight-mile fees, and vehicle registration fees. The county also collects a local one-cent-per-gallon tax.

The voter-approved Urban Road Maintenance District (URMD) provides road maintenance on local neighborhood roads in the urban unincorporated areas of the county. URMD also funds the Neighborhood Streets traffic calming program.

Two citizen advisory committees work with county staff and advise the Board on issues related to road maintenance: the Rural Roads Operations and Maintenance Advisory Committee and the Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee.

After review of public comments, the 2012-13 Road Maintenance Program will be presented to the Board for approval in June.

Related: Link to online comment form

Media Contact:

Stephen Roberts, Communications Coordinator
[email protected]