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Apply for a position on a Land Use & Transportation Commission or Committee

Washington County is seeking volunteer applicants to serve on committees and commissions
Media release

Make a difference in our Washington County community. Apply to serve as a volunteer on one of our commissions or committees. Learn about all our commissions and committees.

Vacant positions on Land Use & Transportation-related commissions and committees include:

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission has an immediate vacancy to serve for the remainder of a term ending Jan. 31, 2027. The Planning Commission advises the Washington County Board of Commissioners on the adoption, revision or repeal of portions of the County's Comprehensive Plan. Oregon land use planning knowledge is helpful, but not required. Contact Todd Borkowitz, 503-846-3593. APPLY HERE

North Bethany County Service District for Roads Budget Committee

There are two vacant positions for three-year terms. The committee reviews and approves the proposed budget developed for the North Bethany County Service District for Roads for Board adoption. Contact John Styer, 503-846-8756. APPLY HERE

Rural Roads Operations and Maintenance Advice Committee (RROMAC)

One four-year-term position is vacant. The committee studies County rural road operations and maintenance concerns, works with staff to develop program and funding alternatives and makes recommendations to the Board. Contact Sherri Grey, 503-846-7615. APPLY HERE

Urban Road Maintenance District Advisory Committee (URMDAC)

One position is vacant for a four-year term. The committee advises the Board and staff on road maintenance matters in the Urban Road Maintenance District (URMD). Members review and make recommendations on URMD service levels and annual work program, assist in evaluating the cost effectiveness and efficiencies and advise on continuation of URMD and/or other long-range funding opportunities for road maintenance. Contact Sherri Grey, 503-846-7615. APPLY HERE

Washington County and Service District for Lighting No. 1 Budget Committee

Two positions are available for three-year terms. The committee reviews and approves, for Board adoption, both the proposed Countywide budget and the Service District for Lighting No. 1 budget submitted by the budget officer each fiscal year. Contact John Styer, 503-846-8756. APPLY HERE

Washington County Transit Committee

Seven positions for four-year terms are vacant. The committee advises the Board on prioritizing public transportation projects for funding through Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund. Applicants should be familiar with public transportation needs in Washington County. Representatives contributing to the diversity of the committee include transit riders, people from low-income households, older adults, people living with disabilities and more. Contact Dyami Valentine, 503-846-3821. APPLY HERE
