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Forums address draft code concepts for development in natural resource areas

Forums to hear what is being considered for regulating development in the County’s Significant Natural Resource areas will take place March 21, April 2 and April 6. The April 2 forum will be virtual.
Media release

View the updates to the County’s Significant Natural Resource inventory map and learn about the proposed development code changes to the natural resource rules during three community forums hosted by Land Use & Transportation planning staff.


SNR: A Focused Look at Fish and Wildlife Habitat

5-7:30 p.m., March 21
Presentation at 6 p.m.,
Washington Street Conference Center

6-8 p.m., April 2 – Virtual Forum

1:30-4 p.m., April 6
Presentation at 2 p.m.
Cedar Hills Recreation Center gymnasium

Spanish language translation and interpretation will be offered at all events. If you need a different spoken language interpreter or sign language interpreter, please call 503-846-3968 (or 7-1-1 for telecommunications Relay Service) at least 48 hours before the event.

The updates to the County’s natural resource maps and changes to the code are part of the Significant Natural Resources (SNR): A Focused Look at Fish and Wildlife project. The forums will include staff presentations and opportunities for you to ask questions and provide comment on the possible changes to the natural resource regulations. Land Use & Transportation planners will give a presentation and be on hand to discuss the how the rules would work and how they may apply to properties with natural resources.

The project will update the policies and regulations for significant fish and wildlife habitat in the urban unincorporated area.

The project will result in updates to Washington County’s Goal 5 program and rules for the County’s significant natural resource areas through our Community Development Plan policies and code standards.
