Ordinance No. 829 amends the 2004 Washington County - Hillsboro Urban Planning Area Agreement, an element of the County's Comprehensive Plan. The updates include adding policies and processes for coordinating concept planning in the Urban Reserves within Hillsboro's area of interest and minor changes to the policies and processes for comprehensive planning in the Urban Planning Area. The planning area map is revised to reflect Hillsboro's Urban Reserve Planning Area, changes to the Urban Planning Area and annexations since the last update.
Adopted or Rejected Land Use Ordinances
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Ordinance No. 828 is an annual "housekeeping" ordinance that made minor updates, corrections and revisions to Washington County's Rural/Natural Resource Plan, the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, and the Community Development Code.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 827 amends the Community Development Code (CDC) related to parking and loading standards. The amendments adjust minimum off-street parking requirements, establish parking standards for regulated affordable housing, expand eligibility for reducing minimum parking ratios, update parking lot design standards, and add standards for electric vehicle charging spaces and motorcycle parking.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 826 amends the Community Development Code (CDC) related to telecommunication facilities. The amendments streamline the submittal requirements and review process, restructure the special use section for clarity and update the CDC to comply with federal requirements.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 824 amends the Community Development Code standards to allow a new Special Use (SU): Special Mineral/Aggregate Mining and or/Processing in the Exclusive Forest and Conservation (EFC) District.
Ordinance No. 823 amends the Community Development Code relating to retirement housing communities, allowing development of retirement communities with a continuum of care in more land use districts and providing more flexibility in community design of senior housing.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 822 amends the Rural/Natural Resource Plan, the Comprehensive Framework Plan and Community Development Code to clarify school documentation and notice requirements, reflect state law for plan amendments in the Urban and Rural Reserves, clarify certain neighborhood meeting requirements, correct inaccurate Metro Code reference for a future industrial area, modify the Transit Oriented Development appeal process, allow air conditioning units in the residential side yard setback and make minor adjustments to certain mobile home subdivision setback provisions.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 821 amends the 2010 Washington County-Sherwood Urban Planning Area Agreement (UPAA), an element of the County Comprehensive Plan. The updates include adding policies and processes for coordinating concept planning in the Urban Reserves within Sherwood's area of interest and minor changes to the process for comprehensive planning in the Urban Planning Area. The Urban Planning Area map is revised to reflect Sherwood's Urban Reserve Area, changes to the Urban Planning Area, and annexations since the last update.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 820 amends the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area and Community Development Code relating to infill development of properties in the R-5 and R-6 land use districts that are two acres or less in size.
B-Engrossed Ordinance No. 815 amends the Washington County Community Development Code (CDC) for consistency with state legislation regarding wineries in exclusive farm use areas and to clarify winery standards for non-resource lands.