A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 774 proposes to amend the Community Development Code to change the development of accessory dwelling units from a Type III use in the R-5 District (Residential 5 Units Per Acre) and from a Type II use in the R-6 District (Residential 6 Units Per Acre) to a Type I use in both districts. The ordinance also proposes to allow up to 800 square feet of total floor area in an accessory dwelling unit if the Americans with Disabilities Act standards are followed during design and construction.
Adopted or Rejected Land Use Ordinances
Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 773 proposes to amend Section 430-63 of the Washington County Community Development Code (Code) relating to home occupations. Primary changes include removal of existing restrictions on warehousing, distribution, and retail sales of pre-manufactured products. To prevent prospective impacts to surrounding neighborhoods, additional changes are proposed to limit business-related deliveries/pick-ups, storage, and onsite consumption of intoxicants.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 772 proposes to add a new section (Section 389) to the Washington County Community Development Code (Code) relating to a Residential Airpark Overlay District. The ordinance also proposes to amend Policy 28 (Airports) of the Washington County Rural/Natural Resource Plan to add text relating to Residential Airpark Overlay District and to replace the existing Sunset Airstrip map with a new map that shows the Residential Airpark Overlay District boundaries.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 771 proposes to amend Washington County Community Development Code (CDC) Section 390 to allow for the location of public utilities (with the exception of electrical substations) within the North Bethany Subarea. The ordinance also proposes a variety of housekeeping and clarification amendments to CDC Sections 390 and 501; Policies 18 and 44 of the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area; and Chapter 2: North Bethany Subarea Plan of the Bethany Community Plan.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 770 proposes to amend the Washington County Community Development Code (CDC) to include a new definition for Wind Energy Conversion Systems. The ordinance also proposes changes to the CDC's Special Use Standards to allow Wind Energy Conversion Systems and Solar Energy Collection Systems as accessory uses.
B-Engrossed Ordinance No. 769 amends the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area and the Community Development Code (CDC) to comply with the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA). The state's final amendments to OAR 660-033-0120 (RLUIPA rulemaking) occurred in February 2012, so the county is now updating its Comprehensive Plan to implement the new OAR.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 768 proposes to amend and update the Washington County 2020 Transportation Plan to respond to changes in transportation planning direction, policy and practices; comply with the updated policy framework of Metro's Regional Transportation Plan adopted in June 2010; and address State Transportation Planning Rule requirements.
Ordinance No. 767 proposes to amend the Washington County 2020 Transportation Plan relating to project development. The ordinance incorporates the Basalt Creek Transportation Refinement Plan into the TSP, and adjusts the lane numbers designation on SW Scholls Ferry Road between SW Loon Drive and approximately 1,000 feet west of SW Roy Rogers Road.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 766 proposes to amend Community Development Code Section 501 (Public Facility and Service Requirements) to allow properties with less than seventy (70) feet of frontage adjacent to a Neighborhood Route in the North Bethany Subarea direct access to the roadway.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 765 proposes to amend the Washington County Community Development Code to reflect changes relating to Required Outdoor Yard Areas.
Ordinance No. 764 proposes to amend the Washington County Rural/Natural Resource Plan’s Land Use Districts map, the Future Development Areas map in Policy 41 of the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, and the Washington County – Banks Urban Planning Area Agreement (UPAA) to reflect the 2012 UGB amendment for the City of Banks.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 763 proposes to amend CDC Section 605 Land Divisions and Property Line Adjustments Inside a UGB and Section 610 Land Divisions and Property Line Adjustments Outside a UGB to modify the property line adjustment standards in unincorporated urban and rural areas (outside cities) to comply with the provisions included in House Bill 3629, adopted by the 2008 Oregon Special Legislature.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 762 proposes to amend Washington County Community Development Code (CDC) Section 340 Exclusive Farm Use District (EFU) and Section 344 Agriculture and Forest District (AF-20) to add farm stands as a Type II land use review. DC Section 201 Development Permit is also amended to allow for the direct sale of farm crops in certain districts outside the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) when a building permit is not required.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 760 amends the 2020 Transportation Plan and the Sunset West Community Plan to remove Area of Special Concern #11 in the Elmonica Subarea of the community plan.