Ordinance No. 735 proposes to amend Sections 106 and 414 of the Community Development Code relating to Signs. The proposed amendments are made to be consistent with Article I, Section 8 of the Oregon Constitution that prohibits regulation of signs based on content.
Adopted or Rejected Land Use Ordinances
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Ordinance No. 734 proposes to grant a one-year extension of all preliminary land use approvals and all final approvals of subdivisions, partitions, and property line adjustments that are set to expire between the effective date of this ordinance and one year from that date. The purpose of this ordinance is to address the unprecedented downturn in the real estate market and the credit crisis.
Ordinance No. 733 proposes to amend the Rural/Natural Resource Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan to adopt urban reserves and designate rural reserves pursuant to ORS 195.137-145 and OAR 660 Division 27. This ordinance adds a new Plan Policy (Policy 29) to the Rural/Natural Resource Plan that includes implementing strategies for urban and rural reserves.
Ordinance No. 732 proposes to amend the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, the Cedar Hills-Cedar Mill Community Plan and the Community Development Code, relating to general updates and housekeeping.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 730 proposes to amend the Washington County Comprehensive Plan to adopt the North Bethany Subarea Plan and its implementing regulations.