Ordinance No. 844 amends the Transportation System Plan to update and clarify roadway capacity objectives and strategies consistent with ongoing planning efforts.
Adopted or Rejected Land Use Ordinances
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Ordinance No. 843 makes amendments to the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, the Transportation System Plan, and the North Bethany Subarea Plan of the Bethany Community Plan relating to the following changes to primary streets in the North Bethany Subarea: an adjustment of the Road A alignment, the removal of a segment of Primary Street P4, and the removal of a segment of Primary Street P16. The changes are proposed in order to limit impacts to an identified wetland.
Ordinance No. 842 makes limited amendments to the Community Development Code (CDC) to facilitate development of housing. The ordinance amends certain setbacks within three districts, corrects/clarifies standards of the Transit-Oriented: Retail Commercial (TO:RC) district related to day care facility classification and housing, reduces certain landscape area requirements, allows omission of sidewalk on one side of a private street in some cases, reduces minimum residential driveway widths, and updates related parking standards.
Ordinance No. 841 establishes an alternative land use review option for certain regulated affordable housing. The ordinance amends the Community Development Code (CDC) to provide both site development flexibility and density bonuses to encourage and facilitate regulated affordable housing development inside the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB).
Ordinance No. 840 is a general housekeeping ordinance that includes minor updates, corrections, and revisions to the Washington County Rural/Natural Resource Plan and Community Development Code (CDC).
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 839 amends the 1988 Washington County-Beaverton Urban Planning Area Agreement (UPAA), including adding policies and processes for coordinating concept planning in Beaverton's identified Urban Reserve Planning Area, and minor changes to the policies and processes for comprehensive planning in the Urban Planning Area.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 838 amends the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, the Community Development Code, and the Bethany Community Plan to add requirements applicable to future development within the Main Street area of the North Bethany Subarea. The Main Street Area is a mixed-use area that is intended to serve as a focal point of the North Bethany community.
Ordinance No. 837 amends the 1988 Washington County-Forest Grove Urban Planning Area Agreement (UPAA), including adding policies and processes for coordinating planning in Forest Grove's identified Urban Reserve Planning Area, and minor changes to the policies and processes for comprehensive planning in the Urban Planning Area.
Ordinance No. 836 amends the Washington County-King City Urban Planning Area Agreement (UPAA), including adding policies and processes for coordinating concept planning in King City's identified Urban Reserve Planning Area, and minor changes to the policies and processes for comprehensive planning in the Urban Planning Area.
Ordinance No. 835 amends the Community Development Code, an element of the Comprehensive Plan, to implement legislative changes related to housing.
Ordinance No. 834 updates the Transportation System Plan to conform to certain city comprehensive plans and amends the Community Development Code, elements of the Comprehensive Plan.
Ordinance No. 833 makes minor amendments to the Community Development Code, an element of the Comprehensive Plan.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 832 amends the Community Development Code, an element of the Comprehensive Plan, relating to fair housing and group care updates.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 831 amends the Community Development Code, an element of the Comprehensive Plan, relating to mobile food units.