Ordinance No. 816 amends the Transportation System Plan Lane Numbers map designation of Roy Rogers Road in the rural area between the cities of Tigard and Sherwood.
Adopted or Rejected Land Use Ordinances
Displaying 1 - 7 of 7
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 814 amends the Rural/Natural Resource Plan, the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, the Transportation System Plan and the Community Development Code (CDC) to address transportation-related issues. These amendments are proposed to make minor clean-up changes, improve consistency with other plans, and address inconsistencies in the CDC.
Ordinance No. 813 makes minor amendments to several elements of Washington County's Comprehensive Plan, including the Rural/Natural Resource Plan, the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, and the Community Development Code to make general revisions and corrections, updates, and ministerial changes.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 811 amends the Community Development Code (CDC) to update flood plain regulations in unincorporated Washington County in response to new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requirements. The amendments provide a new effective date for the county Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), modify flood plain criteria for non-dwelling structures, and provide instructive language for applicants when requesting revisions to the county flood plain map.
B-Engrossed Ordinance No. 810 amends the Community Development Code (CDC) to address the growing of marijuana for commercial recreational purposes in urban residential areas of unincorporated Washington County. Additionally, the ordinance requires a Type II land use procedure for any new structure used for growing recreational marijuana in non-residential districts and adds clarifying language to relevant CDC sections based on modifications to state law.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 809 is an omnibus ordinance that makes small adjustments to elements of the Washington County Comprehensive Plan to address revisions in state law and make minor clarifications to text and maps.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 801 amends the North Bethany Subarea Plan of the Bethany Community Plan and the Community Development Code relating to density restricted lands and the Natural Features Buffer with Fencing.