Ordinance No. 805 removes a segment of Primary Street P2 between NW Kaiser Road and Primary Street P3 in the North Bethany Subarea, and modifies the number and location of planned north-south pedestrian trail crossings of Bethany Creek. These changes were requested by Clean Water Services in order to minimize impacts to adjacent wetlands and Bethany Creek, and to facilitate a planned stream restoration and wetland enhancement project. Amendments are made to the North Bethany Subarea maps in Policy 43 of the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, the Functional Classification map in the Transportation System Plan, and text and maps in the Bethany Community Plan, Chapter 2: North Bethany Subarea Plan.
Adopted or Rejected Land Use Ordinances
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 804 responds to changes in state law specific to the lawful use of marijuana for recreational purposes. The ordinance proposes to amend existing language in the Community Development Code related to time, manner, and place regulation of medical marijuana dispensaries, replacing "Medical Marijuana Dispensary" with "Marijuana Facility" and defining these terms.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 802 adopts the Bonny Slope West subarea into the Cedar Hills-Cedar Mill Community Plan, and amends the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, the Transportation System Plan and the Community Development Code to add requirements applicable to the Bonny Slope West subarea.
Ordinance No. 800 makes six minor Community Development Code amendments relating to definitions, exclusion from permit requirement, mixed solid waste and recyclables storage facilities, parking requirements for urban residential districts, standards for model homes and property line adjustments outside the Urban Growth Boundary.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 799 incorporates recently adopted planning efforts by other jurisdictions into the Washington County Transportation System Plan (TSP) and updates various transportation system maps for consistency. This ordinance also amends the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area and the Community Development Code in response to the goals and strategies identified during the recent update of the TSP. The amendments focus on connectivity and public facility requirements and also include updates to other transportation related aspects of the Community Development Code.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 798 is a general housekeeping ordinance that amends various Community Development Code sections to make general revisions and corrections, updates, and ministerial changes for conformance with state law.
Ordinance No. 797 amends the Special Use Standards found at Section 430-121 of the Community Development Code (CDC). The standards of this section apply to public and private schools. The amendment clarifies language applicable to schools outside the Urban Growth Boundary.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 796 amends the Rural/Natural Resource Plan and the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area Relating to School Facility Planning to comply with requirements of State Statutes (ORS 195.110).
B-Engrossed Ordinance No. 791 amends the Community Development Code relating to digital billboards.