Ordinance No. 726 proposes to amend Policy 15 of the Washington County Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area relating to the possible formation of a new park and recreation special service district in the Tigard-Tualatin School District Boundary.
Adopted or Rejected Land Use Ordinances
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Ordinance No. 725 proposes to amend CDC Sections 340 (Exclusive Farm Use District), 342 (Exclusive Forest and Conservation District), 375 (Transit Oriented Districts), 413 (Parking and Loading) and 421 (Flood Plain and Drainage Hazard Area Development) to make housekeeping and general update amendments.
Ordinance No. 724 proposes to amend the Washington County - Tualatin Urban Planning Area Agreement by adding the 'Southwest Tualatin Concept Plan Area' into the City's Urban Planning Area Boundary.
Ordinance No. 723 proposes to amend the Washington County - Sherwood Urban Planning Area Agreement by adding the 'Tonquin Employment Area' into the City's Urban Planning Area Boundary.
Ordinance No. 722 proposes to amend Community Development Code (CDC) Section 375 to add standards for Type I expansions of existing uses in Transit Oriented Districts.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 720 proposes to amend CDC Section 610 to expand the types of property line adjustments permitted in the rural area and comply with House Bill 3629, adopted by the 2008 Special Legislature.
Ordinance No. 719 proposes to amend CDC Sections 352 and 354 to add to the list of Type II uses allowed within the Rural Commercial (R-COM) and Rural Industrial (R-IND) Districts. CDC Section 430-135.2 is also amended to allow additional vehicles for health hardship dwellings.
Ordinance No. 718 proposes to amend the 2020 Transportation Plan to change the functional classification of one roadway and the Special Area Street designation of sections of four roadways in the Cedar Mill area, and to clarify that the removal of proposed roadways from the Transportation Plan must be done through legislative action.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 717 proposes to revise the planned street and off-street pathway configurations in the Elmonica Station Area of the Sunset West Community Plan and applicable maps in the 2020 Transportation Plan.
Ordinance No. 716 proposes to grant an automatic one-year extension of all preliminary land use approvals and all final approvals of subdivisions, partitions, and property line adjustments that are set to expire between the effective date of this ordinance and one year from that effective date.
Ordinance No. 714 which is not a land use ordinance, proposes to amend the County Road Standards relating to sidewalks contained in County Code Chapter 15.08.
Ordinance No. 713 proposes to amend the Trails and Pedestrian System Map of the Washington County 2020 Transportation Plan to add the “B” Street Trail located on the south side of the City of Forest Grove.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 712 proposes to amend the Washington County Comprehensive Plan to adopt the North Bethany Subarea Community Plan.
Ordinance No. 711 proposes to amend CDC Sections 106 (Definitions), 340 (Exclusive Farm Use District) and 344 (Agriculture and Forest District) to include legislative and administrative rule changes relating to farm and forest uses (biofuel production and landscaping contractor establishments).
Ordinance No. 709 proposes to amend CDC Sections 107 (Planning Participants), 216 (Validation of an Unlawfully Created Unit of Land), 430 (Special Use Standards) and 501 (Public Facility and Service Requirements) to make housekeeping and general update amendments.
Ordinance No. 708 proposes to amend standards for solid waste and recycling pickup and requirements for separated sidewalks in Sections 406 (Building, Siting and Architectural Design), 409 (Private Streets) and 502 (Sidewalk Standards) of the Community Development Code (CDC).