Ordinance No. 649 proposes to amend the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area (CFP), the Rural/Natural Resource Plan, the 2020 Transportation Plan, three community plans and the Community Development Code relating to housekeeping and general updates.
Adopted or Rejected Land Use Ordinances
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Ordinance No. 648 proposes to amend the Rural/Natural Resource Plan and the Community Development Code to implement legislative and administrative rule changes.
Ordinance No. 647 proposes to update and extend the Development Agreement between Washington County and Tektronix, Inc. previously adopted by the County on October 27, 1998 by Ordinance No. 530, as authorized by Oregon Revised Statutes 94.504
Ordinance No. 646 proposes to amend the Washington County-Tualatin Urban Planning Area Agreement to updated the planning area boundary map and make housekeeping text amendments.
Ordinance No. 644 proposes to amend the Community Development Code to clarify what land types can be excluded for purposes of calculating residential densities and the process for revising approved Master Plans.
Ordinance No. 643 proposes to amend the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area and the Rural/Natural Resource Plan to clarify the procedures and criteria for plan amendments.
Ordinance No. 642 proposes to amend the Community Development Code to clarify sidewalk standards in Transit Oriented Districts. The ordinance would also amend the Community Development Code and Pedestrian Element of the 2020 Transportation Plan to reference a design handbook (Pedestrian Enhancements Design Guidelines) that was developed by the county to provide guidance for pedestrian amenities such as wide sidewalks, landscaping, pedestrian-scale lighting and street furniture. The ordinance also proposes to add a strategy to the Bicycle Element of the 2020 Transportation Plan to provide for the possibility of signing certain low-speed/low traffic volume streets as bicycle routes.
Ordinance No. 638 proposes to amend the Community Development Code by adding a new code section, Section 214. Proposed Section 214 sets forth development review standards to accommodate decisions adopted under Measure 37.
Ordinance No. 637 proposes to amend the Washington County Rural/Natural Resource Plan, the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, and the Washington County – North Plains Urban Planning Area Agreement by incorporating changes made to the urban growth boundary (UGB) of North Plains. Ordinance No. 637, if adopted, would apply the Future Development – 10 Acre District (FD-10) designation to areas added to the North Plains UGB.
Ordinance No. 635 proposes to amend Section 421 of the Community Development Code relating to flood plain regulations. The purpose of the amendments is to bring the County's flood plain regulations into compliance with the recently updated regulations adopted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.