Ordinance No. 632 proposes to amend Policies 15 and 33 of Washington County's Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area to allow Washington County to adopt an interim park and recreation system development charge for urban unincorporated territory when the identified future park provider has placed or committed to place an annexation measure on the ballot.
Adopted or Rejected Land Use Ordinances
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Ordinance No. 631 proposes to amend the Rural/Natural Resources Plan, the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, the 2020 Transportation Plan, the Cedar Hills-Cedar Mill Community Plan and the Washington County Community Development Code to make housekeeping changes and a general update.
Ordinance No. 630 proposes to amend the Rural/Natural Resource Plan Element of the Washington County Comprehensive Plan to change the boundary of Hayden Quarry, located south of Forest Grove. The amendment proposes to shift future excavation from the south part of the quarry to the north. The proposed quarry boundary change will also change the impact boundary, which includes all areas within 1,000 feet from the quarry boundary.
Ordinance No. 629 proposes to amend the Rural/Natural Resource Plan, the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area and the Washington County - North Plains Urban Planning Area Agreement elements of the Comprehensive Plan relating to the redesignation of properties added to the urban growth boundary of North Plains.
Ordinance No. 628 proposes to amend the Rural/Natural Resource Plan and the Community Development Code elements of the Comprehensive Plan relating to a State and Regional Park Overlay District.
Ordinance No. 627 proposes to amend the Transportation Plan to replace the 170th/173rd Study Area (between Baseline and Walker Roads) with a more specific arterial roadway alignment recommended by an advisory committee by modifying the Transportation Plan's Functional Classification System Map, Road Numbers Map and Study Areas Map, and by removing plan text describing this study area.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 626 proposes to amend the Transportation Plan to define the general location of a new alignment for Saltzman Road just south of Laidlaw by amending the Functional Classification System and Lane Numbers maps.