Ordinance No. 614 proposes to amend the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area and the Washington County-City of Tigard Planning Area Agreement to be consistent with the recently adopted Tigard Urban Service Agreement.
Adopted or Rejected Land Use Ordinances
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A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 612 proposes to amend the the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area and the Community Development Code to require unincorporated vacant or underdeveloped properties not currently located within the service area of a special service district that provides park and recreation services to annex to the district at the time of development in order to provide new development with park and recreation services.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 611 proposes to make specific changes and corrections to maps and text in Washington County 2020 Transportation Plan. The 2020 Transportation Plan was the product of a comprehensive two-year plan review and update process. Ordinance 611 is intended to refine the plan by correcting errors and oversights and resolving inconsistencies in the plan.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 610 proposes to amend the language in the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, the Community Development Plans to achieve consistency with Washington County's 2020 Transportation Plan adopted in October 2002. Ordinance 610 also updates background and descriptive information in transportation sections of the Community Plans.
A-Engrossed Ordinance No. 609 proposes to amend the Washington County Comprehensive Plan to fulfill state law requirements for adoption of an airport planning program for Washington County. Nine airport facilities in Washington County are subject to airport planning requirements.
Ordinance No. 608 proposes to amend the Comprehensive Framework Plan for the Urban Area, the Community Development Code, the Metzger-Progress Community Plan, the Raleigh Hills-Garden Home Community Plan, all elements of the Comprehensive Plan relating to the Washington Square Regional Center
Ordinance No. 607 proposes to amend Articles V and VI of the Community Development Code to require street lighting on new roads in the urban area.
Ordinance No. 606 proposes to amend the Washington County-City of Gaston Urban Planning Area Agreement Element and the Rural Natural Resource Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
Ordinance No. 605 proposes to amend the Community Development Code Element of the Comprehensive Plan Relating to a General Update.