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Volunteer to pick up litter along our roads.

Adopt-a-Road/Landscape is a volunteer program providing opportunities for families, service organizations, schools, businesses and other groups to pick up litter along our roads or to maintain landscaped areas in road medians.

For more information, or to schedule a cleanup, call 503-846-7623 (846-ROAD) or email us at [email protected].

Is there an area you'd like to adopt?

Once your application is approved:

  • Safety first! Please have all group members review the provided Safety Guide
  • Call or email us to schedule cleanup dates – your group is expected to cleanup twice a year
  • Pick up your safety equipment and cleanup materials
  • The road you adopt stays with your group for at least two years (longer if you’d like)
  • Two signs along your adopted road will be posted to recognize your group and volunteerism